127708-carbin-pls-this-is-what-i-deal-with-inv-space-page-2 (2024)

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While the original person has terrible inventory management with a lot of unopened consumes like titles and decor pieces...

He doesn't, actually. But yes, the issue is legitimate.

You guys are fixating on this idea that I regularly keep 10 pairs of pants in my inventory at all times.It's not like I went through and found the best balance of inventory space for that screenshot, I just simply put out what I had to deal with.If those pieces had not been pants, they would've been gear from PvP bags. They would have been drops from the daily zones. They would be seeds / gathering tools / crafting catalysts / potions / boosts / things I crafted etc.It's not about having 10 pairs of pants, it's about having the room to have extra stuff, or stuff to play around with. It's about convenience. If I go in and salvageeverythingthat I want to keep for the future, just in case I have to reroll slots, I'm down to like 10 free slots. That still does me no favors if I'm crafting, or if I'm out trying to farm / gather, etc. Just killing random mobs fills your inventory with 6+ grey junk items in just a few mobs.Please, for one minute, quit following that General Discussion bandwagon that hates on every anecdotal post that doesn't come into line with your general way of thinking. People are fallible, and I could probably stand to lose a couple of pairs of pants (which have been salvaged now, but surprise, 2 inv slots left), but the meat of the message is that things are too cluttered with the limited system we have, and I'm not enjoying it. I have 3 sets of gear that fill the top rows of my inventory that aren't accessed by my gear/LAS switched unless they're in my inventory. That's a real and easy problem to understand.

Even if you salvaged the 10 pieces that doesn't garuntee that you'll have those 10 slots either since you'll most likely end up with a rune, a rune component, or crafting material that may possibly overflow into standard inventory and with the nature of how rune slots work you may be holding onto that rune for later depending on what it is.

You guys are fixating on this idea that I regularly keep 10 pairs of pants in my inventory at all times.

It's actually you fixating on gear being an issue. So which is it? We can't have a proper discussion if you're just going to flip flop. I presented you with things that could be your real problems, others have already addressed real concerns like with certain items not being stackable or in the crafting inventory.What is your real issue since everyone seems to be 'misunderstanding' you so much? If you say it's gear, then you go back and say it has nothing to do with your 10 pairs of pants, what do you expect everyone to think? This is why I keep trying to bring this discourse into something relevant and valuable to Carbine.Be clear. Be concise. Be broad, but with specific solutions. Think of all the tangential factors. Convenience for the sake of convenience is similarly not compelling.

Bottom Line for me is this:Inventory/Bank space would be fine...-IF- we had increased stack sizes across the board-IF- we had a gear locker-IF- all those runes we got went into our trade skill bag.

Bottom Line for me is this:Inventory/Bank space would be fine...-IF- we had increased stack sizes across the board-IF- we had an gear locker-IF- all those runes we got went into our trade skill bag.

I would add that any of those sentences in that list can be replaced by special place where toys would go. A toy locker sort of thing. Kind of like the pet directory.

I would add that any of those sentences in that list can be replaced by special place where toys would go. A toy locker sort of thing. Kind of like the pet directory.

Oh yes, I forgot about the toys. If toys are going to be a 'thing' in which we get lots of them, then yes, they also need a special spot.

Seriously do not see the issue. There is plenty of blank space. I often write letters to myself with all the free spots. Stop hoarding.

The problem is, people have played other mmos; and they've seen these features that they like in other mmos and now they want to see them in this mmo. It's not really unreasonable for people to expect to see features that they like from other games, especially if there is no downside from implementing said features.Personally I would like to be able to have my bag dedicated to items, junk and gear that I'm going to sell, as opposed to half filled with soulbound offspec gear. The old costume system already allowed people to store gear in gear sets (although it only applied the visuals, not the stats) so I don't think it's asking too much for CS to simply change it a little. Make it so gear sets can only be altered in town and boom, problem solved.

Hey guys,This thread isn't for telling others how to manage their inventory or how to play the game. Please keep it on the topic of wanting (or not) more inventory/bank space.

In regards to this issue, bank space. You have 144 spots available to use as storage. There are 12 pieces of armor / weapons per set, which as you suggested you have 4 sets of armor, equalling 48 inventory spots. Now, those who know you, know you do not PvE, so having both MS and OS for PvE is rather pointless in your case, but that is a seperate issue. The point is, even assuming you actually didn't have copious amounts of dust of those sets, that still leaves 96 inventory spots.

Edited June 10, 2015 by BusterCasey

Hey guys,This thread isn't for telling others how to manage their inventory or how to play the game. Please keep it on the topic of wanting (or not) more inventory/bank space.

Ok, I just want improvement with how certain items are handled and obviously larger bags in the future. While a gear management system would be super convenient, I don't think it is worthwhile.- All crafting related items, including runes and catalysts should stack better and go in the crafting inventory.- Toys in the collectible UI- High stacks on all items- Reduce the variation of catalysts, perhaps sacrificing the lore/flavor text aspect for functionality. To appease those of us who love the flavor text, create codex entries just like lore items in the game and then give us an achievement for collecting them all.These are things which seek to address inventory concerns in the long run without removing the core function of inventory, 'tangible' items in the game, etc. Simply tossing all our gear into a magical gear bag is too far distant from one of the core functions of rpgs, the feedback/game response to gear and items dropping and being able to 'play' with them as real things. I also don't want to remove the economical function of inventory and/or bags as I like them being rewards and involved in crafting.Perhaps as a last thought, make all professions able to craft bags, increasing the tier as they go along. Look at how GW2 accomplishes this by requiring a scaling cost material by size, while also thematically naming the items. Ex: Outfitter makes a leather themed bag, tailor makes a cloth bag, armorer makes a heavy bag, architects make toolboxes or something. This would allow bags to have a more active role in the economy, stimulate trading/AH, and also allow dedicated people to farm their own bags while still having some level of sink in a base material needed by the size.Perhaps also limit us to one bag from each profession as a unique item, this way we actually rely on other people or multiple characters instead of being able to make 100x largest game bags ever.

What I would like:- FABkits being useable, just like Decor items. Haveing a few FABkits take quite a bit of space actually.- Runes (and maybe seeds) should go into the crafting bag. Maybe crafting catalysts could also go in there.- If we will get more and more toys now, they should also get their own page as a collectible, like mounts and pets already do.As for the gear, I don't think a locker is really necessary. There won't be that many people out there which use 3-4 sets of gear, but the above things I mentioned would impact every player.

What I would like:- FABkits being useable, just like Decor items. Haveing a few FABkits take quite a bit of space actually.- Runes (and maybe seeds) should go into the crafting bag. Maybe crafting catalysts could also go in there.- If we will get more and more toys now, they should also get their own page as a collectible, like mounts and pets already do.As for the gear, I don't think a locker is really necessary. There won't be that many people out there which use 3-4 sets of gear, but the above things I mentioned would impact every player.

I don't use many FABkits. Once I place it and if I like it, it stays. If not, I get rid of it and eventually get a new one later on down the rode. I don't spend much time in housing :P Doesn't really bother me much that runes, seeds and catalysts hang out in my bag. I get runes when I need them, get rid of the ones I don't. I don't garden much. I don't craft with the professions that use catalysts enough to justify having them around. Even though I only have two sets of gear I regularly switch between, having them locked and loaded for when I want to switch play styles would be far more useful to me than the stuff you mentioned. That being said, I'm all for those things you mentioned having better places to go also.

As for the gear, I don't think a locker is really necessary. There won't be that many people out there which use 3-4 sets of gear, but the above things I mentioned would impact every player.

I only use 2 sets of gear, one dps and one healing. I would love to have a one click to change gear and LAS.I, sometimes, don't change all my gear. It's not on purpose, it's because I am just right clicking everything and not watching that they individually changed. I end up healing with 2-3 pieces that are my dps gear or vice versa.Having a gear locker there and ready to use would be a good thing, whether people use it or not.

I have no problem with a quick change button, but I don't think putting said quick change gear somewhere out of the inventory is necessary.

I only use 2 sets of gear, one dps and one healing. I would love to have a one click to change gear and LAS.I, sometimes, don't change all my gear. It's not on purpose, it's because I am just right clicking everything and not watching that they individually changed. I end up healing with 2-3 pieces that are my dps gear or vice versa.Having a gear locker there and ready to use would be a good thing, whether people use it or not.

Try the addon Gear for the time being. It will switch out your gear and LAS with the click of a button.

Try the addon Gear for the time being. It will switch out your gear and LAS with the click of a button.

I think that's the one I use as well, but there are a couple. Mine links an LAS with a gear set and also to a costume. The only downside is that it isn't instant, and takes about 10-15 seconds to swap out each gear piece, but the will always go to the same place where your other items stay in your inventory so you can organize and never worry about weird gear swaps again.

I have no problem with a quick change button, but I don't think putting said quick change gear somewhere out of the inventory is necessary.

Stupid human or game error(accidentally selling, deleting, or salvaging it) is one of the things that makes me say it should be put out of the inventory when that particular gear set isn't active. And of course "convenience". Maybe if the quick change button will work on the gear even when it's in your bank, but I don't know how easy that is to code. Or even at the very least, make a separate "gear bag" as has been mentioned, we have separate craft bag and quest item inventory, so why not gear?

I said: "Having to stop what I'm doing to manage my inventory breaks my immersion in the game"

But being able to carry a thousand items in invisible backpacks on your character without them dying under the crippling weight of it doesn't break your immersion? I don't mean to pick on you, but please don't use 'immersion' as an argument for game systems in an MMO. It's not a very good platform for debate.

Are you being semantical? I don't mean that I don't find it realistic, I don't expect realism in the first place or even particularly wish for it.What I mean is that I have to "pause" gameplay, and "mess with bags"... for example while questing up on my first character when I want to play and enjoy at my pace the most.I can't speak for everyone but to me it's just not fun to mess with bags. It's those high paced moments when suddenly I realize I'm out of bag space in the middle of combat, it ruins my "fun"In other words, it takes my focus away where previously my mind was totally on the game or 'immersed' in it if you will.

Crafting materials like seeds and catalysts should have higher stacks and go in the crafting bag.

Holy crap this.After starting technologist on my esper seeds take up many rows of my inventory, and it's not something I would choose to delete, neither can I actively use them all.

Who else is predicting 30, 36, and 48 slot bags in the cash shop for thecheap, cheapprice of10, 15 and 25 dollars each? I certainly am! And I will not buy any of them.Just saying, our old-school inventory system gives Carbine more excuses to monetize things!

Each character has a HOUSE....How can we not have storage/lockers there!

Each character has a HOUSE....How can we not have storage/lockers there!


Each character has a HOUSE....How can we not have storage/lockers there!

Which just gives us our personal bank on our plots, nothing extra :P

I can't speak for everyone but to me it's just not fun to mess with bags. It's those high paced moments when suddenly I realize I'm out of bag space in the middle of combat, it ruins my "fun"In other words, it takes my focus away where previously my mind was totally on the game or 'immersed' in it if you will.Holy crap this.After starting technologist on my esper seeds take up many rows of my inventory, and it's not something I would choose to delete, neither can I actively use them all.

No, I was being serious because I didn't know what you meant. People have used the immersion argument the way I thought you meant it many times and it's really silly. Your clarification makes sense though, I understand what you are saying. I can agree with that.

I also have an issue with the current inventory system. I run both specs dps/tank and have gear for pve and pvp. In addition I also have a seperate dps set for arena's. Not all pieces but some.How I have combated my inventory issues is making several alts to ship stuff to leave my bank relatively clear...The biggest issue I have is the inconvenience of switching gear. Any time I want to go do something else I have to stop what I'm doing and find a bank and get that gear. Swapping gear is a pain even with an addon as sometimes it doesnt even fully switch the gear and its so sloooow.I would love most if they had a gear armory for each LAS slot:)

Eclips im in the same boat as you are ive made numerous posts asking them to fix the amount of inventory space they give to players. To much sh*t and not enough bags to hold it all. I have the most if i clear out absolutely everything but essential i need i have a lousy 20 spaces left over for loot which is mostly filled up by grey junk in a mater of 1/3 a dungeon run.If this many players are telling you to fix this now, what do you think will happen come FTP?Cmon guys we want the game to succeed, but yall gotta use alittle foresight sometimes. You keep overlooking these kinds of issues, and then the current players tell you about them and you completely ignore or disregard or don't respond saying that your working on it.

I think they should let you buy manequins for your housing plot. You equip the manequins with sets of gear (like Skyrim), then when you're out in the field (outdoors only), you can call in an orbital drop with your manequin of choice that drops from the sky BOOM, and swap gear. I think I've been watching too much Avengers or something.

I think they should let you buy manequins for your housing plot. You equip the manequins with sets of gear (like Skyrim), then when you're out in the field (outdoors only), you can call in an orbital drop with your manequin of choice that drops from the sky BOOM, and swap gear. I think I've been watching too much Avengers or something.

I kinda like this idea. I know other players have said it would be cool If there were mannequin's at your housing plot todisplay your armor pieces. So you equip each mannequin with your armor sets, each mannequin will be its own gear set.Instead of calling in the orbital drop (which is cool idea but time consuming and we want easy efficient gear swap), have the ability to infuse your character with the power (stats) of the gear set of your choice.It would be as easy as switching costumes. No more slow, clunky addon switchingIt would free up inventory space.It would add a neat addition to housing.The only thing to edit these gear sets you would need to do it at the mannequin at your house, which becomes less and less an inconvenience the better your gear gets. Thoughts? EDIT Oh and break some addons too :P

You could always teleport home once per 20 minutes

I think personal space in player housing could alleviate a lot of these issues, organized and perfect or no

I don't mean the bank fabkit; extra space

You could always teleport home once per 20 minutesI think personal space in player housing could alleviate a lot of these issues, organized and perfect or noI don't mean the bank fabkit; extra space

My proposed idea there's no need to port home, except when changing pieces in your gear set. All your gear sets are easily available to youat your convenience. No porting. Noslow gear swapping.

there should be an equiped gear window associated with each LAS just like the amps. You keep your gear sets in there and when you change LAS it changes to the gear set thats associated to it. If you just want to change the LAS but dont want to change gear all you do is leave the equipment window thats associated to the LAS you want to switch to empty.

[...] I would love to have a one click to change gear and LAS. [...]

I use an addon called "Vince build" for that. You can also link a particular costume with it:)!To give you an example, I have 3 sets of gear (DPS, Tank, PvP, one I wear and 2 in my bags) and also have 3 different Action sets, one for PvE-DPS, one for PvE-tank and one for PvP-DPS and of this I have 6 different LAS setups, 3 that use the first action set (PVE-questing, PVE-AOE, PVE-Raid), one that use the 2nd (tank) action set, and then 2 different LAS setups that use the 3rd action set for PvP, and to each of them there is a different costume, and at the click of a button, I'll swap Action sets (and LAS within), gear, and costume...So whenever I look at my character I know in which "stance" I am ^_^!

there should be an equiped gear window associated with each LAS just like the amps. You keep your gear sets in there and when you change LAS it changes to the gear set thats associated to it. If you just want to change the LAS but dont want to change gear all you do is leave the equipment window thats associated to the LAS you want to switch to empty.

OT, but: your rainbow gear set cracks me up. We'll played, sir.

If this many players are telling you to fix this now, what do you think will happen come FTP?Cmon guys we want the game to succeed, but yall gotta use alittle foresight sometimes. You keep overlooking these kinds of issues, and then the current players tell you about them and you completely ignore or disregard or don't respond saying that your working on it.

I'm sure they aren't overlooking it. They are just rubbing their hands in expectation because, if so many of their players want more inventory space right now, then imagine how many of them will actually PAY REAL MONEY for the privilege of bigger bags and more bag slots once FTP comes!

I'm sure they aren't overlooking it. They are just rubbing their hands in expectation because, if so many of their players want more inventory space right now, then imagine how many of them will actually PAY REAL MONEY for the privilege of bigger bags and more bag slots once FTP comes!

Well currently along with the issue of bag space the current system of switching gear is awful. Even with an addon, it's slow and frustrating! I constantly have to check my items make sure every one has switch because half the time they don't.If they just have a gear set for each LAS (or my more earlier suggestion)It would fix this... and they can sell the gear slots for money and also extra inventory space

we need more inventory space. Wildstar is a game that requires you to adapt on the fly (meaning very quickly). Having to go back to the bank to get gear means you cant do that.My bank is full of protostar promissary notes anyways so........... i have no place to put my gear.

I think they should let you buy manequins for your housing plot. You equip the manequins with sets of gear (like Skyrim), then when you're out in the field (outdoors only), you can call in an orbital drop with your manequin of choice that drops from the sky BOOM, and swap gear. I think I've been watching too much Avengers or something.

Well there are already mannequins in the game at least but yes it would be nice to be able to use the gear on the mannequins as well:)

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127708-carbin-pls-this-is-what-i-deal-with-inv-space-page-2 (2024)


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