¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios? (2024)

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Last updated on 10 mar 2024

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  3. Análisis de negocio

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Analista de Procesos de Negocio


Analista de Sistemas de Negocio


Analista de Datos


Analista de Negocios Ágil


Analista de Inteligencia de Negocios


Propietario del producto


Esto es lo que más debe considerar

El análisis de negocios es un campo amplio y diverso que abarca varios roles y responsabilidades. Dependiendo del contexto, el alcance y los objetivos de un proyecto, un analista de negocios puede realizar diferentes tareas y utilizar diferentes herramientas y técnicas. ¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios y encontrar el que mejor se adapte a sus habilidades e intereses? En este artículo, exploraremos algunos de los roles comunes y emergentes de análisis de negocios y lo que implican.

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  • Dr. Ayman Al-Rifaei 💡 🛡️ ☁ Accelerate business growth by technology adoption

    ¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios? (3) ¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios? (4) 22

  • Divna Simeunovic, CBAP, PMP, CSPO Lead Business Analyst / Consultant | BA Methodologist

    ¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios? (6) ¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios? (7) 16

  • Stephen Stirling Senior Business Systems Analyst at Harvard University | CBAP® | PMP®

    ¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios? (9) ¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios? (10) 11

¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios? (11) ¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios? (12) ¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios? (13)

1 Analista de Procesos de Negocio

Un analista de procesos de negocio se centra en mejorar la eficiencia, la eficacia y la calidad de los procesos de negocio. Mapean, modelan, miden, analizan y optimizan los flujos de trabajo y las actividades que ofrecen valor a los clientes y partes interesadas. Utilizan herramientas como BPMN, diagramas de flujo, diagramas de carril y simulación de procesos para documentar y comunicar el estado actual y futuro de los procesos. También identifican e implementan oportunidades de mejora de procesos, como automatización, estandarización, simplificación e integración.

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  • Stephen Stirling Senior Business Systems Analyst at Harvard University | CBAP® | PMP®
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    The role of a "business analyst" has evolved to encompass various routes and responsibilities. Most individuals with this title don't conform to a specific type of BA role but instead perform a multitude of functions. If there's one prevalent trend or prediction, it would be the increasing importance of proficiency in data analytics. While not all BAs engage directly in data analysis, its significance is widespread in the field and is likely to grow. Techniques like modeling, data visualization, and storytelling, traditionally associated with data scientists, are becoming integral responsibilities for business analysts, transforming them into data professionals.



    ¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios? (22) ¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios? (23) 11

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    The current project I’m leading has a strong cross over with tech. I’ve hired tech BAs with Business exposure to get the best out of both worlds. In this project the BAs are involved and manage scrums, kanban/scrum boards / Assist with PI planning, carry out general business analysis , work with Business Application Owners to define and write and execute app handover process, manage, own and execute with business readiness initiatives , carry out e2e POC , product discovery work and a whole lot more. It’s just not limited to flow charts and Visio. This space has expanded so much and there is so much cross over with other project roles.



    ¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios? (32) 7

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  • Akash Kumar Srivastava Business Analyst | MBS Mannheim | IDC Herzliya | IIM Indore | ICT Mumbai
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    If you ask anyone from mid management and above about what a business analyst must do then they would practically say, everything under the sun. However, if you are looking to build a career then 3 things are important find your niche in the system-1. Complexity of the process, very complex processes are often too boring to analyse.2. Complexity of analytics, if you need esoteric tools to analyse situations then your learning is not translational and you will change your job at one point, right?3. Excitement of analytics i.e. how much the complexity of analytics overlaps with your skills. Obviously if you excel at Excel it doesn't mean you can analyse quantum computing problems, so maybe you'll do good by doing finance in that case.



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2 Analista de Sistemas de Negocio

Un analista de sistemas empresariales se especializa en el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de sistemas de información que respaldan las necesidades empresariales. Cierran la brecha entre el negocio y los equipos de TI, traduciendo los requisitos comerciales en especificaciones funcionales y técnicas. Utilizan herramientas como UML, casos de uso, historias de usuario, wireframes y modelos de datos para definir y validar las características y funciones del sistema. También colaboran con desarrolladores, evaluadores y usuarios para garantizar que el sistema cumpla con los estándares de calidad y rendimiento.

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  • Divna Simeunovic, CBAP, PMP, CSPO Lead Business Analyst / Consultant | BA Methodologist
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    To me, the BSA role is the most interesting one. BSA isn't necessarily a Domain SME, but they must possess a deep understanding of the business domain to effectively communicate with Domain SMEs. BSA is neither an Implementation SME, but needs extensive knowledge of implementation processes to offer adequate functional solution designs and specify feasible requirements.A BSA must also be aware of the perspectives of end users and testers, all while keeping an eye on a project scope. What adds to the demanding nature of the BSA role, in my opinion, is the high involvement in project scope management. The multidisciplinary nature of BSA role is what really makes it challenging, but also exceptionally rewarding.



    ¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios? (50) ¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios? (51) 16

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  • Maksym Kolomatskyi Business Analyst - closed for offers
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    It is a big plus if the business systems analyst has first hand experience in testing and/or development to consider business needs from the point of view of implementing them into a comprehensive information system.



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  • Masashi Ioki Senior Manager, IT Architect, CBAP, Business Analyst at NTT Comware
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    A business systems analyst specializes in IT systems.It is important to clarify business requirements and build consensus among various stakeholders.To deliver IT systems that support business needs, it is necessary to clarify what is to be achieved by the system and organize the relationship between strategy and requirements.Business systems analysts plays such an important role.



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3 Analista de Datos

Un analista de datos aprovecha los datos para proporcionar información, soluciones y recomendaciones para problemas y oportunidades empresariales. Recopilan, limpian, manipulan y analizan datos de diversas fuentes, como bases de datos, encuestas, informes y análisis web. Utilizan herramientas como SQL, Excel, Python, R y Tableau para realizar análisis y visualización de datos. También comunican sus hallazgos y sugerencias a las partes interesadas relevantes, utilizando gráficos, paneles, informes y presentaciones.

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  • Sun Lau I help you master Excel for business analysis in one course | Tailored for non-technical business professionals | Transform you from beginner to advanced | Simpler, smarter, not harder | Start here -> sun-lau.com
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    A data analyst's role goes beyond just handling data. It's essential for them to have a well-rounded understanding of the business. Knowing the business model and how stakeholders think is crucial. This broader knowledge helps them connect the data dots effectively and provide insights that truly make a difference. By understanding the business context, a data analyst can tailor their analyses to align with the company's goals and challenges, ensuring that the data-driven insights they provide are not only accurate but also relevant and actionable.



    ¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios? (78) ¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios? (79) 9

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  • Ameet Nadkarni Business Analyst at Smith + Andersen
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    An analyst's primary job is to make a decision-maker's decision-making process easier. And no other role than a data analyst's could sum up this task more perfectly. The other analyst roles have a mix of subjectivity and objectivity, whereas a data analyst deals with a great amount of objectivity, and minimal subjectivity (restricted to the way the data is presented).The success of a data analyst lies in the time and effort taken by a decision-maker to take decisions based on the presented data, and the success of those decisions in achieving the organization's objectives.



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4 Analista de Negocios Ágil

Un analista de negocios ágil trabaja en un entorno ágil, donde los proyectos se entregan en ciclos cortos e iterativos. Se adaptan a los requisitos, prioridades y comentarios cambiantes, y colaboran estrechamente con el propietario del producto, el scrum master y el equipo de desarrollo. Utilizan herramientas como marcos ágiles, historias de usuario, criterios de aceptación, gestión de backlog y planificación de sprints para definir y priorizar las características y funciones del producto. También facilitan las pruebas de usuario, las sesiones de comentarios y las retrospectivas para garantizar que el producto satisfa*ga las necesidades y expectativas del cliente.

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  • Maksym Kolomatskyi Business Analyst - closed for offers
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    It's very important in an agile environment to properly prioritize requirements and the product backlog in order to reduce the number of rework. A business analyst must separate the most important things that affect the system in the long term from the minor requirements that can and will change in the future. Therefore there are many prioritization techniques such as RICE, MoSCoW, Kano model, ranking, story mapping and others.



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    In my career, I have done all of these competencies in all my jobs. When I started my career, things in the Analyst industry were not well defined in a role, but skill sets were well defined, and demanded. It would be a shame if the role isolation job description narrowed an analyst's array of skills. I like to see cross-training across I.T. and projects, analysts need to grow!



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5 Analista de Inteligencia de Negocios

Un analista de inteligencia empresarial ayuda a la empresa a tomar decisiones informadas y basadas en datos al proporcionar información relevante y oportuna. Diseñan, desarrollan y mantienen sistemas de inteligencia empresarial, como almacenes de datos, data marts, lagos de datos y canalizaciones de datos. Utilizan herramientas como plataformas ETL, SQL, OLAP y BI para extraer, transformar, cargar, consultar e informar datos. También crean y entregan productos de inteligencia empresarial, como paneles, cuadros de mandos, KPI y alertas.

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    Working with AphaSights I discovered how Business Intelligence Analysis provides insights beyond just the data; it is a strategic lens that directs decisions. Unexplored is its convergence with tech and AI, which will revolutionize how we extract value. By leveraging this uncharted synergy, you can advance your career by becoming a navigator of data-driven innovation. Predictive analytics, real-time insights, ethical AI, and intuitive visualisation all have enormous potential. Agile, interpretable, and ethical considerations must be incorporated into evolving methodologies. BI goes beyond mere reporting to empower professionals to shape industries, fostering long-term growth at the crossroads of business acumen and AI-driven discovery.



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6 Propietario del producto

Un propietario del producto es responsable de definir y entregar la visión del producto y la propuesta de valor. Representan la voz del cliente y de las partes interesadas, y priorizan el backlog del producto en función de los objetivos comerciales y las necesidades del usuario. Utilizan herramientas como hojas de ruta de productos, personas de usuario, lienzo de propuesta de valor y lienzo lean para articular y validar la idea y estrategia del producto. También colaboran con el equipo de desarrollo y el analista de negocios para garantizar que las características y funciones del producto estén alineadas con la visión y el valor del producto.

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  • Maksym Kolomatskyi Business Analyst - closed for offers


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    A product owner is the team member who has a holistic vision of product. Besides collaborating with dev teams and BAs they collaborate with marketing and sales, design teams and with a focus group of end-users.



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  • Ashish Prabhu Lead Business Analyst- Customer Loyalty| Digital and Technology


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    The POs role is mainly to maximise the value of the product. Both internal and external factors influence the value the product offers. Its the synchronisation of the internal with external that maximises this value. For example, external factors may be market feedback, customer expectations, competitive positioning etc. In response, the internal may be backlog ordering , internal stakeholder alignment, release planning (when value will be delivered) etc. Its both an art and science to get this synchronisation right . Some key skills that are necessary: vision, deep domain knowledge, stakeholder management, decisiveness, leadership, collaboration.



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7 Esto es lo que más debe considerar

Este es un espacio para compartir ejemplos, historias o ideas que no encajan en ninguna de las secciones anteriores. ¿Qué más le gustaría añadir?

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  • Dr. Ayman Al-Rifaei 💡 🛡️ ☁ Accelerate business growth by technology adoption
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    There are many different types of business analysis roles, each with its own unique focus and responsibilities. Roles of business analysis vary between organisations, and depends on organisation size and requirements. Some of the most common types of business analysis roles include:- Business analyst- IT business analyst- Business process analyst- Data analyst- Functional analyst- Systems analyst- Business architectThe specific responsibilities of a business analyst role will vary depending on the organisation and the industry. However, all business analysts share the common goal of understanding and improving the business.



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    In today's organizations, most BA roles will need a little of all of these skills, as they rarely operate as solo roles only with that one focus. For example, All business processes use technology and systems these days, all processes and systems use data, and almost all organizations are using agile approaches; and pretty much every project has aspects of all of these. For most organizations and teams, It would not be optimal to have each of these roles on the same team, perhaps all of the skills! A BA that has these skills and can work with tech specialists in data, systems, and business intelligence. Business Analysis is about bringing process, people, product, systems, and data together, not splitting all of these skills out.



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  • Vinothraj Jeyachandran The World Bank | Ex-Amazon | CSPO® | Product | Business Solutions | Digital Transformation
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    To "influence without authority" is a major principle to follow, as at any point, the BA has to not only collect info but also convince operations process owners to modify their processes for productivity without waiting for tech solutions.



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¿Cómo puede identificar diferentes tipos de roles de análisis de negocios? (2024)


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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.