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Edition № _____________ 20___ г. M I 042-18-12.1.1-2016-01Methodical instructions for

practical(seminar) classes

Faculty of Information and communication technologiesDepartment «Information systems»

METHODICAL INSTRUCTIONS for practical (seminar) classes in

«Information and communication technologies»

For all specialties and the directions of preparation of a bachelor degree

(Code Specialty)

Semey 2016· Web - [DOCX Document] (2)

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1 DESIGNEDCompiled by:Zenkovich K.U., senior lecturer, department «Information systems»

_________ «__»________201__.

Methodical instructions intended for practical (seminars) classes on discipline "Information and communication technologies" for students of all specialties and directions of preparation of bachelors.

2 DISCUSSEDMethodical instructions discussed at the meeting of the Department

"Information systems",Record «____» __________ 201_, № ____Head of the Department Smagulov S.K. __________

Methodical instructions are recommended for use in the educational process at the meeting of educational and methodical bureau of the faculty of "Information and communication technologies"

Record «____» __________ 201_, № ____Chairman Bekmuhametova Т.М. ____________· Web - [DOCX Document] (3)

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1 Introduction2 The Main part (the Contents of practical classes)3 Literature· Web - [DOCX Document] (4)

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1 Introduction

In the discipline «Information and communication technologies» are regarded as modern methods and means of communication of people in a normal and professional activities with the help of information technologies for the search, collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information.

The purpose of discipline «Information and communication technologies» is to master students of information and communication competencies that facilitate everyday life and will give an opportunity to use modern information technologies in various areas of professional activity, scientific and practical work, self-education and for other purposes. In addition to the practical purpose, the course provides academic and educational purposes, helping to expand the horizons of students, improve their general culture and education.

1.1 Tasks of the discipline – Acquaintance with modern receptions and methods of use of means of ICT.– Training in use of means of ICT in professional activity of the expert.– Training in effective application of means of ICT in educational process,

including work with the distributed information resource of educational appointment.– Acquaintance with opportunities of practical realization of the training

focused on use of technologies of multimedia, systems of artificial intelligence, the information systems functioning on the basis of computer facilities, providing automation of input, accumulation, processing, transfer, operational management of information.

The study of English enables students to develop and apply knowledge, understanding and skills of ICT in their composing, responding and presenting, and as part of the imaginative and critical thinking they undertake in English.

Students have the opportunity to become competent, discriminating and creative users of ICT as they learn to use ICT effectively and appropriately when investigating, creating and communicating ideas and information. Students will learn about the ethics of information communication through technology.

1.2 Competences (results of training)As a result of studying of discipline the student has to

know:– main directions of development of ICT;– bases of use of information resources for search and storage of information;– architecture and components of computer systems;– main objectives and problems of information security;· Web - [DOCX Document] (5)

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– possibilities of Smart-services;– use of search engines and electronic resources in the professional purposes.

to be able::– to work in any operating system;– to work with databases;– to apply methods and means of information protection; – to create websites on the basis of CMS;– to work with spreadsheets, to make consolidation of data, to build charts.

to have skills:– processings of vector and raster images;– creations multimedia presentations;– visualization of data;– applications of various forms of electronic training for expansion of

professional knowledge;– works with cloud services of E-technologies.

Prerequisites of a course School course of informatics Postrequisites of a course Technology of programming· Web - [DOCX Document] (6)

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2 The Main part

Practical work №1. ICT in Core Sectors of Development. ICT Standardization

Objective:• understanding the implications of technology in society, including social, economic and ethical uses• awareness of the ways ICT can help in home, learning and work environments.

Learning Outcomes:• understanding and using applications• using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to solve problems• analysing, designing, implementing, testing and evaluating ICT systems.


The differences between batch processing, online processing and realtime processing. Communication applications (such as the internet, email, fax, electronic conferencing, mobile telephones and internet telephony services) Applications for publicity and corporate image publications (such as business cards, letterheads, flyers and brochures) Applications in manufacturing industries (such as robotics in manufacture and production line control) Applications for finance departments (such as billing systems, stock control and payroll) School management systems (including registration, records and reports) Booking systems (such as those in the travel industry, the theatre and cinemas) Applications in banking (including Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), ATMs for cash withdrawals and bill paying, credit/debit cards, cheque clearing, phone banking, internet banking) Applications in medicine (including doctors’ information systems, hospital and pharmacy records,monitoring and expert systems for diagnosis) Applications in libraries (such as records of books and borrowers and the issue of books) The use of expert systems (for example in mineral prospecting, car engine fault diagnosis, medical diagnosis, chess games) Applications in the retail industry (stock control, POS, EFTPOS, internet shopping, automatic reordering)· Web - [DOCX Document] (7)

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KEYWORDS1. Communication 2. Information3. Technology 4. management5. industries6. society


Questions:1.Describe how ICT has effected employment:

Describe how there has been a reduction of employment in offices, as workers' jobs have been replaced by computers in a number of fields (e.g. payroll workers, typing pools, car production workers) Describe how there has been an increase in employment in other fields (e.g. website designers, computer programmers, delivery drivers in retail stores)

2.Describe how ICT has effected working patterns within organisations:

Describe how the use of computers has led to a number of employees changing their working patterns (e.g. part-time working, flexible hours, job sharing, compressed hours) Describe what is meant by part-time working, flexible hours, job sharing, compressed hours

3.Describe microprocessor-controlled devices in the home:

Describe the positive effects microprocessors have on aspects of lifestyle (e.g. the amount and use of leisure time, the degree of social interaction, the ability to leave the home) Describe the negative effects microprocessors have on aspects of lifestyle (e.g. lack of exercise)

4.Describe potential health problems related to the prolonged use of IT equipment:

Describe repetitive strain injury (RSI) and what causes it Identify other health issues (e.g. back problems, eye problems, headaches) Describe some simple strategies for preventing these problems Evaluate the use of IT equipment and develop strategies to minimise the health risks· Web - [DOCX Document] (8)

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Practical work №2. Introduction to computer systems. Architecture of computer systems

Objective: To able to describe and identify the components of a computer system. To be able to define the terms used to measure the capacity and speed of a microprocessor, memory, and auxiliary storage.

Learning Outcomes: Describe the main components of a computer system.

Information technology (IT) is a technology which uses computers to gather, process, store, protect, and transfer information.

The computer consists of: hardware – physical computer parts, palpable and visible software – set of commands that are "understandable" to the computer;

instructions to its palpable parts, giving orders what to do

The system unit consists of the following components:

1. Motherboard - MBO a computer "backbone" responsible for communication between components and transmission of information

2. Central Processing Unit - CPU functions: command execution, data transmission, computer function control basic characteristics: • speed (in Mega Hertz (MHz), Giga Hertz (GHz)) • amount of memory (Cache in Bytes)

3. Random Access Memory - RAM a memory container for programs that are currently running and data that is being processed basic characteristics: • speed (in MHz, GHz) • capacity (in Bytes) • data rate class (DDR SDRAM, SDR SDRAM)

4. permanent memory: Hard Disk Drive - HDD - device (memory) used for permanent data storage data is· Web - [DOCX Document] (9)

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stored on magnetic platters; electromagnetic heads are used for reading and recording data with the exception of the newest disk types called Solid State Drive (SSD).basic characteristics: disk platters rotation speed (in RPM) capacity (in GB) Floppy Disk Drive - FDD Оptical disks - CD, DVD

5. graphics processing units (GPU) function: processing and displaying image on the monitor it consists of a graphics processor and its own working RAM memory basic characteristics: • type of graphics processing units (ATI Radeon, Nvidia GeForce, or other) • RAM size • connection interface/slot type

Input and output devices Input devices: Output devices:

keyboard scanner touchpad mouse trackball joystick microphone stylus camera (web, digital)

monitor projector printer plotter speakers earphones

Device that is both input and output: touchscreen.Common devices and media for storing and transferring data: hard disk USB flash drive diskette and ZIP diskette CD and DVD discs memory cards internal hard disk external hard disk network disk drive online storage device

Keyboard· Web - [DOCX Document] (10)

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A standard keyboard has 102 keys. The keys are divided into alphabetical (a-z), numerical (1-0) and special (Function, Ctrl, Alt, Caps Lock, Tablet keys).There are more special keys above the alphabetical keys; of these thefunction keys(please see next image) are used for different functions, depending on situation and the program currently being used. The manual for these functions is usually available in the manual for the program.

To the left and right of the function keys, you will find the following additional keys: Esc(Escape), Home,End,Page Up,Page Down, Num Lock.The keyboard also has the rarely used keysPrint Screen,Scroll Lock andPause.

MouseAcomputer mouseis apointing device(hand control) that detectstwo-

dimensionalmotion relative to a surface. This motion is typically translated into the motion of apointeron adisplay, which allows a smooth control of thegraphical user interface.

Types of Mouse:1. standard mouse(Mechanical – a type of computer mouse that has a rubber or metal ball on on its underside and it can roll in every direction).2. optical mouse(This type uses a laser for detecting the mouse's movement3. wireless mouse.

Types of Monitor: Cathode Rey Tube(CRT) Liquid Cristal Display(LCD)

Type of printer: Dot matrix printer Inkjet printer Laser printer

Notebook computerAn extremely lightweightpersonal computer. Notebook computerstypically

weigh less than 6 pounds and are small enough to fit easily in a briefcase. Aside from size andportability, the principal difference between a notebook computer and a personal computer is thedisplay screen. Notebook computers use a variety of techniques, known asflat-panel technologies, to produce a lightweight and non-bulky display screen.

The quality of notebook display screens varies considerably. Many notebook display screens are limited toVGA resolution. Active-matrix screens produce very sharp images, but they do notrefreshas rapidly as full-size monitors.· Web - [DOCX Document] (11)

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In terms of computing power, modern notebook computers are nearly equivalent to personal computers. They have the sameCPUs,memorycapacity, anddisk drives. However, all this power in a small package is expensive.

Notebook computers come withbattery packsthat enable you torun them without plugging them in. However, the batteries need to be recharged every few hours.

KEYWORDS1. Hardware 2. Software 3. Motherboard4. Central Processing Unit

5. Random Access Memory 6. Read-only memory

7. Hard Disk Drive 8. Graphics processing units 9. Input devices10.Output devices11.Memory cards12.Touchscreen

аппаратные средствапрограммное обеспечениеМатеринская платаЦентральное процессорное

устройствоОперативная памятьПостоянное запоминaющее

устройствоНакопитель на жестком дискеграфических процессорУстройства вводаУстройства выводакарты памятисенсорный экран

Questions:1. Hardware and software?2. The main components of computer systems?3. Input devices and their uses?4. Storage devices and media?

Practical work №3. Computer Software. Operating systems. Desktop applications

Objective:• define and describe operating systems • identify the two types of software – applications software and system


Learning Outcomes:Describe the main components of a computer system.

Powering on and offThe following features are available in most modern personal and laptop

computers.· Web - [DOCX Document] (12)

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Hibernation:A power saving mode developed especially for laptops.Standby, Sleep, Suspend:sets the computer in a state from which you can

quickly return to using open programs and files.

The start menu and the program groups AllPrograms Documents Pictures Music Computer Control Panel Change your computer settings through the control

panel(Control Panel) Network Find and use different devices and resources in your network Devices and Printers Administer available printers and devices Default programs Help and Support Search programs and files Shut Down

The task barAmong other things, the task bar shows which programs are currently running.

You can alternate between programs by clicking the button of the program you want. In the following image, the programs running are theMozilla Firefoxbrowser and the graphics program Paint Shop Pro.

You can permanently attach programs to the task bar by right-clicking it and choosingPin this program to taskbarfrom the opening menu.· Web - [DOCX Document] (13)

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Windows desktop

Linux desktop

Depending on the settings and installment, the desktop usually contains the following icons:

a link to the storage folder for your own files (My Documents, Home etc): please note that the folder itself may be located on the net rather than on the computer.

the recycle bin: storage for discarded data. start icons for different programs: you can open programs from these icons.

Please note that you can add your own icons to the desktop. These icons, also known as shortcuts, can be added in Windows 7 by “dragging” the icon you want with the mouse from the source location (e.g. the Start menu) to the desktop.

Icons and shortcutsIn GUIs, icons are used to refer to files, folders, and other items. Icons are

usually managed with the mouse, and the appearance of the icon tells us what kind of icon it is; files and folders, for example, have different dedicated icons (the icons presented here are from Windows 7).

Below, you will see the icons of two Folders; the left-hand one is a local folder, the right-hand one is located on the server. By double-clicking the folder icon, the contents of the folder will open in a new window.· Web - [DOCX Document] (14)

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Projects that you have saved (e.g. a set of slides) are saved as files on your computer. The file content is shown by its icon and name. The following icons show some of the most common file types and their icons.

Programs – or rather, program files – also have their own icons, which are usually individually dedicated. You can start the program by double clicking the program icon. You can see some program icons below.

Programs installed on the computer often create a shortcut icon on the desktop, making it easier to start and find the program.

The shortcut isnotthe original file, nor a copy of it, but rather a link to a program file located elsewhere. If you remove the shortcut, nothing will happen to the program it is linked to.

You will recognize a shortcut from the arrow symbol in the bottom left corner of the icon (see above). By double-clicking the shortcut, the item linked to it will open up.

Help and Supporting WindowsYou can open the support function in Windows by clickingHelp and

Supportin theStart menu. Alternatively, you can press theF1key while you are on the desktop.

Programs delivered with operating systemsThis page will introduce some of the most common programs delivered with

each operating system: Programs for file management Text editors Calculators

Programs for file managementComputer: This program, which you will find in theStart menu(and possibly

on your desktop) allows you to browse files and folders on different storage media.· Web - [DOCX Document] (15)

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Windows Explorer:you will find this program from the menusStart/All programs/Accessories. With the Explorer program, you can move, copy, delete and rename files with the help of a tree view (see left half of image below).

Text editors1.NotePad2.Word Pad

Windows and menusIn most operating systems, the windows of programs and files contain buttons

for the managing of the windows. The following buttons are very similar in the windows of Windows and Linux, etc.

Closes a window or program.

Minimizes the window into the taskbar.

Enlarges the window so that it fills the screen. After enlarging, the same button changes into the normalisation button shown below.

Returns the window to the size it was before enlarging. After normalisation, the button changes into the enlargement button shown above.

The commands of the menus are usually grouped in the following way.Menu Main use of the menu

File Commands for file-handling, e.g. opening, saving and printing.· Web - [DOCX Document] (16)

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Edit Commands for editing the information, such as moving and copying.

View Commands for viewing different information.

Format Commands for formatting the contents of the file.

Help Instructions on how to use the program.Ribbon menus



Managing objects with the mouseIt is fairly easy to manage objects with the mouse. You can carry out the

following functions with the mouse:Function Howto?

Selecting an object by ‘clicking’

Move the cursor to the location you want and click once with the primary mouse button (usually the left-hand one).

Starting an object by ‘double-clicking’

Move the cursor to the location you want and press the primary mouse button twice in quick succession.

Selecting an area by Move the cursor where you want to start painting, press the· Web - [DOCX Document] (17)

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‘painting’ primary mouse button while you move the mouse over the area you want to select (the selection will change as you move the mouse). Let go of the mouse button when the area you want is painted.

Movingan object Take hold of the object you want with the mouse and move it. Let go of it when it is where you want it.

Managing objects with the keyboardMany actions can be performed faster on the keyboard than by using the

mouse, provided that you learn a few important key combinations. These key combinations are usually the same regardless of the program.

The basis of keyboard shortcuts is usually that you first hold down theCtrlorAltkey, and then press the first letter of the name of the command.Ctrl + C, for instance, is the shortcut for Copying. Below, you can find three key combinations which will probably be the most useful for you:

Ctrl + X Cut (the original data is removed from its place)

Ctrl + C Copy (the original data remains in its place)

Ctrl + V PasteThough less well-known, the following commands are very handy:Shift + Home Chooses the data between the cursor and the start of the line.

Shift + End Chooses the data between the cursor and the end of the line.

Ctrl + A Chooses all the text, picture, or other data.

ClipboardTheClipboardis a temporary storage location for data, which can be used

when moving and copying different kinds of data (objects). When using the clipboard, please keep in mind that its contents vanishes when new data or files are copied to it. The clipboard will also be emptied when you turn off the computer.

KEYWORDS1. Operating systems 2. Control Panel 3. task bar4. Toolbars5. Desktop6. Icons 7. shortcuts

Операционные системыПанель управленияпанель задачПанели инструментоврабочий столиконкиярлыки· Web - [DOCX Document] (18)

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8. Start menu9. Programs for file

management10.Text editors11.Ribbon menus12.Pop-upmenus13.Clipboard14.Tabs

Стартовое менюПрограмма для управления файлами

Текстовые редакторыменю лентыВсплывающие менюбуфер обменаВкладки

Questions:1. Operating systems:• define and describe operating systems which contain a Command Line

Interface (CLI)• define and describe operating systems which contain a Graphical User

Interface (GUI)• describe the differences, including the benefits and drawbacks, between

operating systemswhich contain a CLI and those which contain a GUI2. define software as programs for controlling the operation of a computer or

processing of electronic data3. identify the two types of software – applications software and system

software4. define applications software (e.g. word processing, spreadsheet, database

management systems, control software, measuring software, applets and apps, photo-editing software, videoeditingsoftware, graphics manipulation software)

5. define system software (e.g. compilers, linkers, device drivers, operating systems and utilities)

Practicalwork №4. Human-computer interaction

Objective:• Human-Computer Interaction: An Empirical Research Perspective • Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction

Learning Outcomes:• Exploring the evolution in how people use and work with technology.

Human-computer interface (HCI)The means of communication between a human user and a computer system, referring in particular to the use of input/output devices with supporting software.

What is Usability?· Web - [DOCX Document] (19)

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Usability refers to the quality of a user's experience when interacting with products or systems, including websites, software, devices, or applications. Usability is about effectiveness, efficiency and the overall satisfaction of the user.

It is important to realize that usability is not a single, one-dimensional property of a product, system, or user interface. ‘Usability’ is a combination off actors including:

Intuitive design: a nearly effortless understanding of the architecture and navigation of the site

Ease of learning: how fast a user who has never seen the user interface before can accomplish basic tasks

Efficiency of use: How fast an experienced user can accomplish tasks Memorability: after visiting the site, if a user can remember enough to use

it effectively in future visits Error frequency and severity: how often users make errors while using the

system, how serious the errors are, and how users recover from the errors Subjective satisfaction: If the user likes using the system

A user interface is the method by which the user and the computer exchange information and instructions. There are three main types: command-line, menu driven and graphical user interface (GUI).

Command-line interfacesA command-line interface allows the user to interact with the computer by

typing incommands. The computer displays a prompt, the user keys in the command and presses enter or return.

The command line screenIn the early days of personal computers, all PCs used command-line interfaces.

Features of a command-line interface Commands must be typed correctly and in the right order or the command

will not work. Experienced users who know the commands can work very quickly without

having to find their way around menus.· Web - [DOCX Document] (20)

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An advantage of command drivenprogramsis that they do not need the memoryandprocessing powerof the latest computer and will often run on lower spec machines.

Command driven programs do not need to run inWindows. A command-line interface can run many programs, for example a batch file

could launch half a dozen programs to do its task. An inexperienced user can sometimes find a command driven program

difficult to use because of the number of commands that have to be learnt.An example of a common command driven interface isMS-DOS. The MS-

DOS command to display all files on c:\ would be:dir c:\

Menu driven interfacesSimple menu

The user is offered a simple menu from which to choose an option. One menu often leads to a further menu. Part of the screen may have an instruction followed by a numbered list of options to choose from.

Full screen menuA full screen menu takes up theentire screen.


The drop-down menu when file is clickedA menu bar is the set of options at the top of the screen. When an option is· Web - [DOCX Document] (21)

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chosen a drop-down menu may be offered.Features of menu driven interfaces include: They are easy to use as the user does not have to remember sets of

commands. They are user friendly - you can often guess your way around the options. They can be irritating if there are too many levels of menus to move around -

with a command-line interface you can go to the option required immediately

Physical and mental characteristics of the userAuseris a person who uses acomputerornetwork service. Users generally

use asystemor asoftware productwithout the technical expertise required to fully understand it.Power usersuse advanced features of programs, though they are not necessarily capable of computer programmingandsystem administration.

A user often has auser accountand is identified to the system by ausername(oruser name). Other terms for username includelogin name,screen name(orscreen name),nickname(ornick) andhandle, which is derived from the identicalCitizen's Band radioterm.

Some software products provide services to other systems and have no directend users.

The following outlines the typical phases of the user interface development process:

Designing Functional requirements – Determine the initial requirements and goals for

the application. User analysis – Identify the user scenarios and understand the needs and

expectations of users for each scenario. Conceptual design – Model the underlying business that the application must

support. Logical design – Design the process and information flow of the application. Physical design – Decide how the logical design will be implemented on

specific physical platforms.Implementing Prototype – Develop paper or interactive screen mockups that focus on the

interface and don't include distracting visual design elements. Construct – Build the application and prepare for design change requests.Testing Usability testing – Test the application with various users and scenarios. Accessibility testing – Test the application with accessible technologies and

automated test tools.· Web - [DOCX Document] (22)

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User interface design process1. Analyze and understand user activities 2. Produce paper based design prototype3. Evaluate design with end-users4. Produce dynamic design prototype 5. Design prototype6. Evaluate design with end-users7. Executable prototype 8. Implement final user interfaceThe Future Graphical User Interface Natural User Interface Organic User Interface

Example of atangible user interface.

KEYWORDS1. interface 2. human-computer

interaction3. Usability4. user interface

интерфейсвзаимодействие человека с компьютеромУдобство использованияпользовательский интерфейс· Web - [DOCX Document] (23)

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5. Command-line interfaces6. Simple menu7. screen menu8. Menubar

интерфейсы командной строкиПростое менюЭкранное менюСтрока меню

Questions:1. HCI and global sustainability?2. HCI in health care?3. Social networks and social media?4. Enterprise social computing?5. Role of HCI in e-Government?6. Role of creativity and cognition in HCI?7. Naturalistic approach to evaluation, persuasion, and globalization?

Practical work № 5. Databases

Objective:• Understand that one of the advantages of a computer-based database is the ability to search for data quickly.• Know what data types are. • Be able to choose the correct data types for specific items of data.

Learning Outcomes:• Understand how to set up a database by using fields, data types and validation rules.• Know how to import data into a database.• Be able to create a database from scratch by following a list of instructions.

DEFINITION:A database is a collection of data or information which is held together in an organised or logical way.The Microsoft Access Database is made up of 7 major components:

• Tables;• Relationships;• Queries;• Forms;• Reports;• Macros;• Modules.

TablesDatabases store data or information in tables, just like the one below:· Web - [DOCX Document] (24)

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The table allows you to see all of the records stored in the database.

RecordsAs you saw previously, each table can store a great deal of data.Each table contains a lot of records.

DEFINITION: A record is all of the data or information about one person or one thing.

In the table below, all of the information about each cartoon character is stored in a 'row' or 'record'.

1. What information could you find in the record for Cat Woman?2. What records do you think are stored on the database at your school?3. How about your school library - what records would be stored on their

database?FieldsEach table contains a lot of records.A record is made up of lots of individual pieces of information. Look at

Wonder Woman's record: it stores her first name, last name, address, city and age.Each of these individual pieces of information in a record is called a 'field'.· Web - [DOCX Document] (25)

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DEFINITION: a 'field' is one piece of data or information about a person or thing.

1. What fields can you find about Tweety Bird?2. What fields do you think would be stored in your student record in the

school database?3. What fields would be stored in a book record in the school library database?Data TypesWhen you are about to set up a database, you need to think about the 'data type'

whichyou will use for each field.The most common data types are:

Data Type Examples

AlphanumericorTextThis allows you to type in text,

numbers and symbols

Forename: JamesSurname: SmithAddress: 73, High StreetPostcode: CV34 5TRCar Registration: EP06 5TVTelephoneNumber: 01926


NumberThis allows a whole number or

a decimal numberOnly numbers can be entered,

no letters or symbols

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Data Type Examples

CurrencyThis automatically formats the

data to have a £ or $ or Euro symbol in front of the data and also ensures there are two decimal places.


Date/TimeThis restricts data entry to 1-31

for day (28 or 30 in appropriate months) and 1-12 for month.

It checks that a date can actually exist, for example, it would not allow 31/02/06 to be entered.

It formats the data into long, medium or short date/time

Long Date: 20 February 2006Medium Date: 20-Feb-06Short Date: 20/02/06Long Time: 18:21:35Medium Time: 06:21 PMShortTime: 18:21

Auto numberThis data type will

automatically increase by 1 as records are added to the database

Record 1: 1Record 2: 2Record 3: 3

Logical, Boolean, Yes/NoThis datatype is often referred

to as different things, you may hear it called 'logical', or 'boolean' or 'yes/no'.

All it means is that the data is restricted to one of only two choices


* You would think that 'telephone number' should be a 'number' data type. However all telephone numbers start with a 0 and you can't put a 0 in front of a 'number' data type, so telephone number needs to be set as a 'text' data type.

Here is a database table with the different data types set up for you to see:· Web - [DOCX Document] (27)

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Field LengthOnce you have chosen your data types, you need to think about the best'field

length'for eachfield.

Most databases will have adefault field lengthset up, in this case it is 50.This means that each text field is able to store up to 50 letters, numbers or

symbols.In some situations, you may need to use all 50, but think about forenames.

How long is the longest one you can think of? Probably around 12. What about surname? Even a double-barrel surname is unlikely to need more than 20 letters.

The reason that you shouldn't just leave the field length as the default number is because every single character space allowed takes up one byte of storage space in the database, so a field size of 50 would need 50 bytes of storage. On its own, that doesn't sound a lot, but multiply that by all of the fields in the database and then by every single record being stored and you could soon have a large and unwieldy database that becomes a bit slow and sluggish.

What field size do you think would be sensible for the following: Postcode? Telephonenumber? Carregistrationnumber? Town?· Web - [DOCX Document] (28)

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Primary KeyTherefore, it is important thatevery single recordin a database has something

touniquely identifyit and this is called the 'Primary Key' or sometimes the 'Key Field'.

Foreign KeyDEFINITION: A foreign key is used to link tables together and create a

relationship. It is a field in one table that is linked to the primary key in another table.

Referential integrityEvery foreign key value has a matching value in the corresponding primary

key.Referential integrity uses these to ensure that there are no orphan records i.e. it

prevents you from deleting related records.Referential integrity can also alert you if you try to delete a record which is

related to another one.It can also be used to cascade changes made to the database.

QueriesAre the means of manipulating the data to display in a form or a report. Queries

can sort, calculate, group, filter, join tables, update data, delete data, etc. Their power· Web - [DOCX Document] (29)

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is immense. The Microsoft® Access database query language is SQL (Structured Query Language). The need to know SQL is not required in the early stages of learning Access. Microsoft® Access writes the SQL for you, after you tell it what you want, in the Design view of the queries window.

FormsForms are the primary interface through which the users of the database enter

data. The person who enters the data will interact with forms regularly. The programmer can set the forms to show only the data required. By using queries, properties, macros and VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), the ability to add, edit and delete data can also be set. Forms can be set up and developed to reflect the use they will be required for.

ReportsReports are the results of the manipulation of the data you have entered into the

database. Unlike forms, they cannot be edited. Reports are intended to be used to output data to another device or application, i.e. printer, fax, Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel.

MacrosMacros are an automatic way for Access to carry out a series of actions for the

database. Access gives you a selection of actions that are carried out in the order you enter. Macros can open forms; run queries, change values of a field, run other Macros, etc. the list is almost endless.

ModulesModules are the basis of the programming language that supports Microsoft®

Access, The module window is where you can write and store Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Advanced users of Microsoft® Access tend to use VBA instead of Macros. If you would like to learn VBA, I have a simple step by step lessons.

KEYWORDS1. Database 2. Record3. Fields4. Data Type5. Primary Key6. Foreign Key7. Referential integrity8. Relationships9. Queries10.Forms11.Reports12.Macros13.Modules

База данныхЗаписьПоляТип данныхПервичный ключВнешний ключСсылочная целостностьОтношенияЗапросыФормыОтчетыМакросМодули

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1. Creating a new database?2. Setting up fields?3. Changing the field size?4. Selecting appropriate data types?5. Setting up formatting e.g. date?6. Primary key?7. Required field?8. Validation rule?9. Lookup table?10. Creating a form?11. Entering records?

Practical work № 6. Data Analysis and Data Management

Objective:• Understand some spreadsheet key words• Be able to write some simple formulae• Understand some spreadsheet key words• Be able to write some simple formulae.

Learning Outcomes:• Words associated with spreadsheets• How to use basic formulae to perform calculations• How to use more complex functions.• How to use these formulae and functions to create a spreadsheet model (predict results).

What is a spreadsheet?A spreadsheet is a piece of software which is used to work out calculations.But if you learn a little bit about spreadsheets and have a play with them, you

will soon find out that they can do a whole lot more than simply add up a column of numbers.· Web - [DOCX Document] (31)

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Spreadsheets can handle all of the financial calculations for a large business, they can be used to work with statistics and to calculate probability or other statistical information, they can do complex trigonometry. Not only that, they can also make pretty snazzy graphs and charts that you can use to impress people.

Spreadsheets can also be used as a simple flat-file database.

Parts of a spreadsheetYou need to know the names of some parts of a spreadsheet although you

probably are already familiar with most of them.Have a go at the activity below. Check that you can recognise different parts of

a spreadsheet.Make sure that you can explain the different terms e.g. 'value', 'cell'

Worksheet – Page of spreadsheet you are working on· Web - [DOCX Document] (32)

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Row – Cells that go across the spreadsheet pageColumn – Cells that go down the spreadsheet pageCell – An individual spreadsheet box where you enter dataCell Reference – Names of individual cells (A5 for example)Active Cell – The individual cell you are currently usingLabel – Text used to describe certain valuesValue – Numbers entered in individual cellsFormula – Used to calculate numbers.

FormulaeA formula is used to do every single calculation in the spreadsheet.A formula can be as simple as adding up two numbers in different cells or it

can be as complex as working out a statistical result from millions of pieces of data collected over months.

The reason that formulae are so important is that once you have set them up, they will track any changes that you make in the spreadsheet.

FunctionsA function does a very specific job within a spreadsheet. For example, SUM

will add up a set of numbers for you. AVERAGE is another common one which will give you the average of a set of numbers.

There are hundreds of functions available for you to make use of within a spreadsheet package. Some are going to be useful to you now, some you will probably never use.

All of these functions can be combined in a formula, for example =SUM(A1:A5) is a formula which is making use of the SUM function.

Function Example Description

SUM =SUM(A1:A100) Finds the sum of cells A1 through A100

AVERAGE =AVERAGE(B1:B10) Finds the average of cells B1 through B10

MAX =MAX(C1:C100) Returns the highest number from cells C1 through C100

MIN =MIN(D1:D100) Returns the lowest number from cells D1· Web - [DOCX Document] (33)

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through D100

SQRT =SQRT(D10) Finds the square root of the value in cell D10

TODAY =TODAY() Returns the current date (leave the parentheses empty)

ChartsCharts allow you to present data entered into a worksheet in a visual format,

using a variety of graph types. Before you can make a chart you must first enter data into a worksheet.

Create a ChartTo create aline chart, execute the following steps.1. Select the range A1:D7.2. On the Insert tab, in theChartsgroup, choose Line, and select Line with


If multiple chart types can be used for your data, choose the chart type that will help the user best visualize the patterns and relationships between the data values.

The 4 most popular chart types in Excel are described below, along with the best use of each chart type.

Type Image Description WhentoUse

Pie ChartDisplays the percentages of a

whole for each member in a series.

Excellent chart for comparing values in asingle seriesas percentages of a whole.

Column Chart

Using vertical columns, displays values for one or more series over time or other category.

Especially effective in comparing values for multiple series. The 3-D Column chart displays multiple series over three axes (X, Y, and Z).· Web - [DOCX Document] (34)

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Type Image Description WhentoUse

Bar Chart Displays values for one or more series using horizontal columns.

Though useful for single or multiple series, this chart type especially effective in comparing large quantity of values in a single series.

Line ChartDisplays values as equally

spaced points connected with a line.

This chart is most useful displaying trends over time or other ordered category for single or multiple data series.


Change Chart TypeYou can easily change to a different type of chart at any time.1. Select the chart.2. On the Insert tab, in the Charts group, choose Column, and select Clustered


Result:· Web - [DOCX Document] (35)

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Switch Row/ColumnIf you want the animals, displayed on the vertical axis, to be displayed on the

horizontal axis instead, execute the following steps.1. Select the chart. The Chart Tools contextual tab activates.2. On the Design tab, click Switch Row/Column.


Chart TitleTo add a chart title, execute the following steps.1. Select the chart. The Chart Tools contextual tab activates.2. On the Layout tab, click Chart Title, Above Chart.· Web - [DOCX Document] (36)

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3. Enter a title. For example, Population.


Legend PositionBy default, the legend appears to the right of the chart. To move the legend to

the bottom of the chart, execute the following steps.1. Select the chart. The Chart Tools contextual tab activates.2. On the Layout tab, click Legend, Show Legend at Bottom.

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Data LabelsYou can use data labels to focus your readers' attention on a single data series

or data point.1. Select the chart. The Chart Tools contextual tab activates.2. Click an orange bar to select the Jun data series. Click again on an orange

bar to select a single data point.3. On the Layout tab, click Data Labels, Outside End.


KEYWORDS1. Spreadsheet2. Worksheet 3. Row 4. Column 5. Cell 6. Cell Reference 7. Active Cell 8. Label 9. Value

электронная таблицарабочий листрядколонкаклеткассылка на ячейкуактивная ячейкаметказначение· Web - [DOCX Document] (38)

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10.Formula11.Chart Tools 12.Charts13.Legend 14.Chart Title15.Data Labels16.Pie Chart17.Column Chart18.Bar Chart19.Line Chart

формулаИнструменты ГрафиковГрафик(диаграмма)легендаЗаголовок диаграммыПодписи данныхКруговая диаграммаДиаграмма КолонкаГистограммаЛинейный график

Questions:1. What is a spreadsheet?2. What is an active cell?3. What is a Worksheet?4. What is a Formula?5. What is a Charts?6. What is a Row?7. What is a Value?8. What is a Column?1. What is a Change Chart Type?2. What is a Switch Row/Column?3. What is a Chart Title?4. What is a Legend Position?5. What is a Data Labels?

Practical work № 7. Networking and telecommunications

Objective:• understand how a router works and its purpose• understand the use of other common network devices, including: network interface cards, hubs, bridges, switches, modems• describe the differences between an intranet and the internet

Learning Outcomes:• describe how networks and individual computers connect to the internet• describe the differences between a LAN, a WLAN and a WAN

Computer Network- An interconnection of computers and computing equipment using either wires or radio waves over small or large geographic distances

A computer connected to a network is known as a'work-station'.· Web - [DOCX Document] (39)

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A computer which isn't connected to a network is known as a'stand-alone'.

Networks allow you to share files with other users.

Local area network - networks that are small in geographic size spanning a room, building, or campus

Metropolitan area network - networks that serve an area of up to 40 miles - approximately the area of a typical city

Wide area network - a large network that encompasses parts of states, multiple states, countries, and the world

Terminology• WWW: inquiry sources of information via graphical browser software• E-mail: electronic mail• Usenet: place messages on bulletin board• IRC: real time dialogs• FTP: file transfer• Telnet: login on other systems• Other: telephone, video conferencing, ...

Media and Channels Signalsanalogdigital CablesTwisted-pair interference Coaxial cable 20x more expensive5.500 simultaneous phone callsFiber-optic

1 fiber 30.000 phone calls Wirelessmicrowavesatellites Radio, Infrared, Cellular Radio, Mobile computing GPS global positioning system

Communication hardware Modem

A modem is a device or program that enables a computer to transmit data over, for example, telephone or cable lines. 9.600 14.400 28.800 bps

Switch- Innetworks, a device thatfiltersand forwards packetsbetween LAN segments.· Web - [DOCX Document] (40)

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Hub a common connection point for devices in a network. Hubs serve as a central connection for all network equipment and handles a data type known as frames.

Router-A device that forwards data packets along networks. A router isconnected to at least two networks and are located at gateways.

Physical Transmission Media A tangible media Examples: Twisted-pair cable, coaxial cable, Fiber-optics, etc. Twisted-pair cable: One or more twisted wires bundled together (why?) Made of copper Coax-Cable: Consists of single copper wire surrounded by three layers of insulating and

metal materials Typically used for cable TV Fiber-optics: Strands of glass or plastic used to transmit light Very high capacity, low noise, small size, less suitable to natural


Network Topology Star all communications go via the central system Bus can easily be extended at the ends Ring more secure

OSI 7-Layer Model7. Application (user application program)6. Presentation (user interface / screen display )5. Session ( exchange between two nodes on the network )4. Transport ( protocol for encoding messages )3. Network ( mechanism for separating multiple messages )2. Link ( data encoding schemes )1. Physical ( wires, connectors , voltage )

KEYWORDS1. work-station2. Computer Network3. Local area network

рабочая станциякомпьютерные сетилокальная вычислительная сеть· Web - [DOCX Document] (41)

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4. Metropolitan area network

5. Wide area network 6. Communication

hardware7. Network Topology8. Modem9. Switch10.Hub 11.Router12.Twisted-pair cable13.Fiber-optics14.Coax-Cable

столичная общегородская сеть

глобальная сетькоммуникационное

оборудованиетопология сетимодемпереключательхабмаршрутизаторВитая параВолоконная оптикаКоаксиальный кабель

Questions:1. Computer Network?2. Why network computers?3. Local area network?4. Media and Channels?5. Communication hardware?6. Physical Transmission Media?7. E-mail?8. Usenet?9. IRC?10. FTP?11. Telnet?12. Network Topology?13. OSI 7-Layer Model?

Practical work №8. Cyber Security, Ethics and Trust

Objective:• security of data• conceptof a firewall• effective security of data

Learning Outcomes:• discuss why e-safety is needed• describe the measures that must be taken in order to protect against hacking• define the term hacking and describe its effects• describe what encryption is and why it is used· Web - [DOCX Document] (42)

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A hacker is a person who breaks codes and passwords to gain unauthorized entry to computer systems.

Hackers can do an enormous amount of damage if they break into a computer system.

For some people, the challenge of breaking the codes is irresistible and so precautions have to be taken.

Data is often the most valuable resource any business has. The cost of creating data again from scratch can far outweigh the cost of any hardware or programs lost.

Loss of data from hacking can have various consequences. It can affect a business It can affect personal data It may compromise data privacy It may damage company reputation

Physically protecting systemsBusinesses can use a range of physical methods to protect their systems and

data.Some of these include: Keeping important computers such as servers or mainframes in locked

rooms Posting security guards Security locks, smart cards Keeping sensitive data on stand-alone machines instead of networksUsing alarm systems and video cameras

Using software to protect systemsA business can also use software to help protect their systems.Some of these methods include: Data encryption - data is 'scrambled' before being transmitted through a

network. Only the authorized recipient has the 'key'. Firewalls - software to block access from outside (and to prevent data

being sent out in some cases) Activity or Audit logs - to track who has been doing what on the system User IDs and PasswordsAccess rights

EncryptionThis is a method of scrambling data in such a way that only the people who

have the 'secret key' to unlock the message can read it.This is an example of ordinary text:

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.Humpty Dumpty had a big fall.· Web - [DOCX Document] (43)

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This is what an encrypted code for the text would look like:lj86ik,£lj)ay%9w2+m?lsild171724


You obviously have to keep the "secret keys" safe from prying eyes.

FirewallA firewall is a program or hardware device that filters the information coming

through the Internet connection into your personal computer or into a company's network.

It is set up to allow mainly one way access, i.e. you can go out onto the Internet and access pages, but it checks everything coming back against a set of rules. If the data coming back is from an unauthorized source, then it is blocked.

You may have heard people saying, 'I can't get on that site at school because it's been blocked'; that is the firewall in action.

Anti-virus softwareThis specialized software is used to detect viruses and to limit their damage by

removing them.

The software tries to detect viruses before they can get access to your computer. If a virus is detected trying to get through the firewall, the software will give an alert and ask how you want to respond.

It is usually set up to scan your computer on a regular basis and to check every file being opened before it is allowed to run.

Anti-virus software is normally set up to check online for an update every few days or so because there are so many new viruses appearing every day.· Web - [DOCX Document] (44)

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A computer virus is a software program that is designed to copy itself over and over again and to attach itself to other programs.

As the internet has grown and millions of people are online, so has the development of other types of software pests such as 'Trojan software'

A Trojan is an application that appears to do something useful such as a computer game (which is why you loaded it on to your computer in the first place) but quietly, behind the scenes it is doing something with ill-intent.

Trojan may: Log all your keystrokes and then send the details to a remote computer /

server. Used to capture your passwords Allow someone else to take control of your computer whilst you are online. Capture screen shots and send them to a remote computer, once again with

the intent of obtaining confidential information such as financial screen shots.

WormsThese are a bit like a computer virus but they spread on their own through

computer networks. Their biggest problem is the sheer amount of computer time and bandwidth they soak up, so making the network slow to a crawl.

Adware / SpywareThese are programs designed to keep track of which adverts you click on and

then they send specific adverts to your browser. Fairly harmless but annoying and hard to get rid of.

User IDs and PasswordsWhen you log onto your network at school, you have to type in your User ID

and Password. This identifies you to the network as an authorized user.

Any sensible company will ensure that staff need a User ID and Password to gain access to the system. This should reduce the risk of outsiders being able to get onto the system and damage data.

People should follow rules when choosing their password: Passwords should be kept secret at all times· Web - [DOCX Document] (45)

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Passwords should not be something that is easy to guess such as pet's name or favorite football team.

Passwords should include text and numbers or symbols Passwords should be a reasonable length e.g. over 6 charactersPasswords should be changed regularlyLegislationIt is against the law to distribute a virus to others.The law which covers this area is called TheComputer Misuse Act (1990).It

also covers various computer crimes such as Hacking, computer fraud as well as the deliberate spread of viruses.

This law specifies a virus as: 'unauthorized modification of the contents of a computer, impairing the operation of any program or reliability of data'.

Anyone caught distributing viruses knowingly faces an unlimited fine and up to a five year prison sentence.

KEYWORDS1. hacker 2. protecting system3. Encryption4. Anti-virus software5. Firewall6. User IDs 7. Passwords8. computer virus 9. Legislation10.Computer Misuse


хакерзащиты системышифрованиеАнтивирусное программное обеспечениебрандмауэридентификаторы пользователейПароликомпьютерный вирусзаконодательствоЗакон о неправомерном использовании компьютерных технологий

Questions:1. Explain what is meant by personal data?2. Explain why personal data should be confidential and protected?3. Explain how to avoid inappropriate disclosure of personal data including: own name, address?4. Describe what encryption is and why it is used?5. Define the term computer virus and describe its effects?6. Describe the effects of infecting a computer with a virus from a downloaded file?

Practical work №9. Internet Technology

Objective:• Understand what the World Wide Web is· Web - [DOCX Document] (46)

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• Be able to use basic HTML to create a simple web page

Learning Outcomes:• Understand what website navigation is and why it is important• Be able to fully hyperlink your website using text based links• Be able to fully hyperlink your website using flash hyperlinks

Types of web sitesWeb sites are usually designed with a specific purpose in mind. These include

E-commerce sites - you visit these to buy something Information sites - such as your favorite news website Entertainment - such as YouTube and the BBC I Player site Business - provides support, documents and software drivers for customers Ideas and opinion sites - such as personal blogs or your own personal site Social networking site - such as someone's Facebook pagePortfolio site - you want to show off your work to a potential employer or


Web server and domainIn order to let other people see your web site, it must be placed on aweb

server.This is called 'hosting' a web site.Before you can do this, you must choose an URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

for your site, such as This is called the site'sdomain name.Domain names are purchased from adomain registrarwho has the authority

to sell domains.To type in a complete URL you normally includehttp://followed by the

domain.HTTP is thestandard protocolfor a web page. You can also get HTTPS with

an extra s on the end that indicates it is a secure web page.Each domain name must be unique - you cannot purchase a domain that

someone else already owns. This is because every URL is converted into an uniqueIP address. For example the web site has the IP address

Try typing into your web browser and see what you get.Once your site is online, you expect your web hosting company to provide Fast response time - visitors hate waiting for a page to download because of

a slow server. Administration tools such as web statistics so you can see how many visitors

you have and what they are looking at.· Web - [DOCX Document] (47)

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Good upload speeds - your site needs to be upated easily and often, so a good upload speed makes this much easier.

Help - when things go wrong on the server, you want confidence that they will help out.

HTML - the very basics of a web site.A "web site" is made up of one or moreweb 'pages'.

A web page is created bywriting codein a language calledHTML.HTML stands forHyperTextMarkupLanguage. It was developed especially

to create web pages.You may be looking at a web page right now and thinking "where is this

HTML" - I can't see it.To see the HTML code of most web pages take these steps:1. View the page in aweb browser.2. Right clickyour mouse over thepage textand a small menu will appear

close to the mouse (right clicking over a picture gives you a different menu) Click on the "View Source" in the menu list.

3. A page full of words and symbols will appear in a separate windowThis is theHTML codethat makes up the web page you are viewing.

This is what html looks like.All the colored text surrounded by<>are html 'tags'.

Parts of a web page, CSS and JavaScriptAlthough there seems to be an almost infinite variety of web pages. Most good

web pages share some common elements.Quite often these elements and placed on atemplatepage that is then used to design all pages on the site.

If you want to make a change to the site's navigation for example, then altering the template allows the web authoring package to update every page that uses that template.

Every web site has ahome page. This is the main page that visitors see when they first visit the site. Of course visitors can go directly to any site page by loading the right URL in their browser, but in general, typing the main domain (such as will show the home page.· Web - [DOCX Document] (48)

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The picture below shows you the main parts of a typical web page

The BannerThis is an area at the top of the page that is often the same on all the pages of

the web site. It may contain a company logo. It often has asearch boxlocated there and sometimes a hot spot to take you back to the home page.

The Menu systemThis area is concerned with providing a method of moving around (navigating)

the site. There are a number of menu styles in common use. These are explained a little later on.

The Content areaThis is where the main content of the web page is located. Content can be in a

number of different forms such as text, pictures, video and Flash movies. Sound can also be embedded in a web page such as background music.

FooterThis area often contains copyright notices, links to terms and conditions and a

privacy statement.Cascading Style SheetsThe text and layout of a web page can be formatted (styled) with 'cascading

style sheet' or CSS. This is text based just like html, but it is made up of a set of styling commands that a web browser understands. For example tomake this bit red, we added a bit of CSS to this page that looks like this:

<span class="style1">make this bit red</span>All these commands can be gathered together into a single text file ending with

.css This file is then linked to all the pages on the site. So you only need to change the CSS code in one place to affect the whole site.· Web - [DOCX Document] (49)

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JavaScriptMany web sites want to add some interaction to the page. This is done with

computer code called 'javascript'. For example most web forms have some type of checking going on before it can be sent to the server, such as a 'required' field. Until that form field is filled in, you cannot send the form.

There are whole libraries of javascript code now available that you can easily add to a web page to add extra features. A very popular library is called jQuery.

HyperlinksMost web sites have more than one page. So there has to be amethod of

navigatingfrom one page to another.There arethreepopular methods of navigating, hyperlinks, menus and

hotspots. These are covered in the next three pages.

The HyperlinkWhen you click your mouse on anavigation hyperlink, it will take you to

another page. The page may be on the same web site, but it could just as easily be on another web site altogether.

A hyperlink that takes you to another web site is called anexternal link Hyperlinks can be mixed in with normal text. A standard hyperlink has adifferent colourto the text around it in order to give you a clue that it is there, it often has an underline as well.

Hyperlinks are also used todownloadfiles and documents

Creating web pages from Office packagesWeb pages are written in HTML. There are a number of ways to create a web

page.This is probably the most straight forward method. You create a page in your

favorite word processing, spreadsheet or presentation package,Then you use File -> Save As -> Web Page as shown here.The application will then create the web page and give it an extension of HTM


KEYWORDS1. Web Design2. Social networking 3. World Wide Web 4. domain5. Hyper Text Markup

Language(HTML)6. browser7. IP address

веб-дизайнСоциальные сетиВсемирная паутинадоменЯзыкгипертекстовойразметки

браузерIP-адрес· Web - [DOCX Document] (50)

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8. Hyperlinks9. packages


Questions:1. Types of web sites?2. What is aWeb server and domain?3. HTML - the very basics of a web site?4. Parts of a web page, CSS and javascript?5. What is aHyperlinks?6. Creating web pages from Office packages?

Practical work №10. Cloud and Mobile technologyObjective:• use software tools to place and edit an image to meet the requirements of its intended application and audience

Learning Outcomes:• possibilities of Smart-services

Cloud computingis a type ofInternet-based computing that provides shared computer processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand. It is a model for enabling ubiquitous, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., computer networks, servers, storage, applications and services),which can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort.

The diagram below depicts the Cloud Computing stack – it shows three distinct categories within Cloud Computing: Software as a Service, Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service.

SaaS applications are designed for end-users, delivered over the web• PaaS is the set of tools and services designed to make coding and deploying those· Web - [DOCX Document] (51)

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applications quick and efficient• IaaS is the hardware and software that powers it all – servers, storage, networks, operating systems

Cloud computing enables new scenarios for applications requiring scalable, durable, and highly available storage for their data – which is exactly why Microsoft developed Azure Storage. In addition to making it possible for developers to build large-scale applications to support new scenarios, Azure Storage also provides the storage foundation for Azure Virtual Machines, a further testament to its robustness.

Azure storage provides the following four services: Blob storage, Table storage, Queue storage, and File storage.

Blob Storage stores unstructured object data. A blob can be any type of text or binary data, such as a document, media file, or application installer. Blob storage is also referred to as Object storage.

Table Storage stores structured datasets. Table storage is a NoSQL key-attribute data store, which allows for rapid development and fast access to large quantities of data.

Queue Storage provides reliable messaging for workflow processing and for communication between components of cloud services.

File Storage offers shared storage for legacy applications using the standard SMB protocol. Azure virtual machines and cloud services can share file data across application components via mounted shares, and on-premises applications can access file data in a share via the File service REST API.· Web - [DOCX Document] (52)

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What is virtualization?In a nutshell, virtualization is software that separates physical infrastructures to

create various dedicated resources. It is the fundamental technology that powers cloud computing.

"Virtualization software makes it possible to run multiple operating systems and multiple applications on the same server at the same time," said Mike Adams, director of product marketing at VMware, a pioneer in virtualization andcloud software and services. "It enables businesses to reduce IT costs while increasing the efficiency, utilization and flexibility of their existing computer hardware."

The technology behind virtualization is known as a virtual machine monitor (VMM) or virtual manager, which separates compute environments from the actual physical infrastructure.

Mobile technologyis the technology used for cellular communication. Mobilecode division multiple access(CDMA) technology has evolved rapidly over the past few years. Since the start of this millennium, a standard mobile device has gone from being no more than a simple two-waypagerto being amobile phone,GPS navigation device, an embeddedweb browserandinstant messagingclient, and ahandheld game console. Many experts argue that the future of computer technology rests inmobile computingwithwireless networking. Mobile computing by way of· Web - [DOCX Document] (53)

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tablet computers are becoming more popular. Tabletsareavailableonthe 3Gand 4Gnetworks.

Mobile computingishuman–computer interactionby which acomputeris expected to be transported during normal usage, which allows for transmission of data, voiceandvideo.

Mobile device management(MDM) is an industry term for the administration ofmobile devices, such as smartphones,tablet computers,laptopsand desktop computers. MDM is usually implemented with the use of a third party product that has management features for particular vendors of mobile devices.

Mobile device management(MDM) is like adding an extra layer of security and ensuring a way to monitor device related activities. MDM provides device platform specific features like device encryption, platform specific policies, SD Card encryption. Geo-location tracking, connectivity profiles (VPN, Wi-Fi,Bluetooth) and plenty other features are part of MDM Suite.

The wireless technologies used in mobility solutions can generally be classified according to their generation, which largely specifies the type of services and the data transfer speeds of each class of technologies.

Zero Generation (0G – 0.5G)PTT (Push to Talk), MTS (Mobile Telephone System)First Generation (1G)NMT (Nordisk MobilTelefoni or NordiskaMobilTelefoni-gruppen, Nordic

Mobile Telephone in English), AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System), Hicap, CDPD (Cellular Digital Packet Data, Mobitex and DataTAC.

Second Generation (2G – 2.75G)GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)EDGE (EGPRS) (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution)Third Generation (3G – 3.75G)UMTS (3GSM) (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System)3.5G – HSDPA (High-Speed Downlink Packet Access)Fourth Generation (4G)3GPP LTE (Long Term Evolution)(The 3rd Generation Partnership Project)WiMaxandWiBro.

KEYWORDS1. Cloud 2. Mobile technology3. Cloud computing 4. Virtual Machines5. server6. Virtualization 7. virtual manager8. cellular 9. Mobile computing

облакоМобильные технологииОблачные вычисленияВиртуальные машинысерверВиртуализациявиртуальный менеджерсотовыйМобильные компьютеры· Web - [DOCX Document] (54)

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10.tablet computers11.laptops 12.mobility solutions 13.Universal Mobile

Telecommunications System

планшетные компьютерыноутбукимобильные решенияУниверсальная система мобильной связи

Questions:1. Introduction in a corporate and cloud computing: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS?2. Handling of processes on the party of the server. Cloudy storage: Blobs,

NoSQL (table)?3. Future of a cloud computing. Architecture of cloudy applicaions?4. Virtualization and cloud computing?5. Main terms and concepts of mobile technologies. Architecture of mobile

applications?6. Control of mobile devices. Shop of mobile applications?7. Mobile services. Standards of mobile technologies?

Practical work № 11. Multimedia technologies

Objective:• use a master slide to appropriately place objects and set suitable styles to meet the needs of the audience• Be able to use basic HTML to create a simple web page

Learning Outcomes:• identify the need for consistency of presentation, in terms of styles, point sizes, colour schemes, transitions and animations• use the master slide to place objects appropriately, including: images, text, logos, slide footers, automated slide numbering• use the master slide to set font styles, heading styles and colour schemes as required by the audience• manipulate and use specified areas for headings, subheadings, bullets, images, charts, colours, text boxes, presenter notes, audience notes as appropriate• use suitable software tools to create presentation slides to meet the needs of the audience• insert a new slide, when required, selecting the appropriate slide type for the purpose• place text on the slides including: headings, subheadings, bulleted lists where appropriate

When someone wants to explain or illustrate a topic to someone, a very popular way of doing it is to do a 'presentation'.· Web - [DOCX Document] (55)

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It can be anything from presenting a lesson to students about soil erosion in Africa to presenting the company mission statement to a group of new employees.

The traditional way of presenting information to people was to stand at the front of a room armed with a set of notes or prompt cards and to speak clearly and slowly.

With the development of presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint it quickly became the 'norm' to use a presentation show to illustrate the information.

Although there are various software applications available to create presentations, this mini-site will focus on PowerPoint since this is the software the majority are familiar with using.

Features of presentation softwareWhat is it about presentation software that has made it such a popular choice?The software is incredibly easy to use. Even a novice can produce a reasonably

good looking presentation with only a few minutes training.

The software comes with a large range of ready preparedtemplates. The text simply needs to be typed onto the page.

There are also a huge number of professionally designed templates available to purchase fairly cheaply from the Internet.

There are a large selection ofdifferent layoutsavailable. Each slide can have a different layout. One slide can have bullet points to the left of an image, another slide can have a main title and bullet points underneath, another one can have a graph or a hierarchy diagram.· Web - [DOCX Document] (56)

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A 'master slide' is available so that you can set up things which you wish to appear on every page such as a footer or page numbers or a title.

You can choose text styles to apply throughout your presentation on the master slide.

The software comes with many different

animation effectswhich can be used to add emphasis to presentations.

It also has a large selection of slidetransition effectsthat can be used when changing from one slide to the next.

Using multimedia in presentationsAnother reason why the software is so popular is its ability to let you use

multimedia to enhance your presentation.TextSticking to text allows the speaker to

keep the audiences' attention on them rather than distracting the audience with what is happening on the screen.

The bullet points act as a prompt for what they need to talk about and enable the audience to keep track of what is being covered.

ImagesAs they say, a picture is worth a

thousand words.Images can add visual impact to a

presentation. They can also help to illustrate the point that you are trying to make.

They help to break up a lot of monotonous text and give the audience something to focus their attention on.

VideoVideo can be a powerful tool in presentations. It can be used to attract the

audiences' attention or to show them something that could not easily be· Web - [DOCX Document] (57)

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described just using words.You can use existing footage from company archives, videotape libraries

or personal collections or you can film your own. If you choose to use existing footage, keep in mind that copyright issues may apply.

SoundSound can be incorporated into a presentation in many different ways.You can have quiet music playing in the background throughout the

presentation. Appropriate music or sounds can be played at a key point in the presentation such as the sound of a cow mooing whilst you are talking about the benefits of dairy farming. Voice narration can be used during the whole presentation or for certain parts.

Sound can add a different dimension to a presentation. However, it is important not to allow the sound to distract the audiences' attention from the main speaker.

Animation and transitions

Animation Effects

Custom animation is often added to a slide show. It can be used to delay the appearance of bullet points on the screen. This can help to keep the audience focused on what is being talked about at that moment rather than letting them read ahead and not listen properly. They can also be used to add dramatic effect or visual interest.

The key to using animation successfully is to pickone or two effectsand stick with them throughout the presentation; using too many can beconfusing, can frustrate your audience, and can leave your presentations looking unprofessional.

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Slide transitions can be set up to govern how you move from one slide to another.

You can set your presentation to be timed so that it moves automatically to another slide after a certain length of time. This effect is used for informative presentations which are just left running for people to view as they walk past.

However, it is difficult to get automatic timing just right, some people read fast, some much more slowly. They can lead to frustration if some are kept waiting for the next slide for too long whilst others find they haven't read everything before the slide switches.

You can set the slide transition to different effects such as 'fade', 'blinds', 'checker box'. This can be set up on every slide so that the transition is consistent throughout the presentation, or it can be set up on particular slides only.

As with custom animation, the rule 'less is more' applies and it is wise to stick to just one effect throughout the presentation.

Action buttonsorhyperlinkscan also be used on slides to help you navigate through the presentation.

Hyperlinks can also be used to help you access a relevant website.

KEYWORDS1. presentation презентация· Web - [DOCX Document] (59)

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2. layouts 3. multimedia4. transition effect5. master slide6. animation 7. Image8. Video9. Sound

макетымультимедиаэффект переходамастер-слайданимацияизображениевидеозвук

Questions:1. What is it about presentation software that has made it such a popular choice?2. What is a 'presentation'?3. Features of presentation software4. Using multimedia in presentations?5. Animation and transitions?6. Slide Transitions?

Practical work № 12. Smart technology

Objective:• basics Smart technology

Learning Outcomes:To explore the possibilities of Smart technology

Short forSelf-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology,S.M.A.R.T., orSMART, is a diagnostic method originally developed byIBMand introduced with theATA-3specification that at that time referred to asPredictive Failure Analysis. This technology was initially developed for IBM mainframe drives to give advanced warning of drive failures. Based on this diagnostic, Compaq announced IntelliSafe, which was submitted to the ATA/IDE standards committees, and the resulting standard was named S.M.A.R.T.

S.M.A.R.T. analyzes many of the mechanical attributes; over time, some failures can be predicted by detecting if the hard drive is moving out of tolerance. While the S.M.A.R.T. technology can detect upcoming issues, not all hard drive failures are predictable. In the picture below is an example of a S.M.A.R.T error indicating that the status of the Pri Master orPrimaryhard drive is being detected as bad and that it should be replaced.· Web - [DOCX Document] (60)

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Some of the major hard drive manufacturers now including the S.M.A.R.T Technology in their hard drives areIBM,Western Digital,Maxtor,Quantum,SeagateandFujitsu.

1. What is smart car?It is a cognitive, contextual aware computing system is able to make decisions

without human intervention. Smart machines use machine learning and data drains to perform work traditionally conducted by men. They need to increase efficiency and productivity, and is currently tied as the main component in building a sustainable future.

2. The range of opportunities for sustainable use smart machines are endless ...But like all burgeoning technologies, the limits of resilience within this future

is not yet clear. A lot will be based on where the intellectual technology society. What we know, the smart technology revolution is the first industrial movement that has sustainability at the forefront of its development and it is a good thing.

3. We don't need to kill the forest to save the treeReplacement of manual services with smart technologies are expected to

significantly reduce energy consumption.

4. Whether smart technology makes us stupid?Successful integration of smart technology will see the strengthening of

creative thought. The labor force will need higher skill level , as more and more secular work is distilled. There are fears that due to the automation and technology of the algorithm, the human development can be stunted and lulled into complacency. It is important to know about this threat.

5. They took our jobs! What are the consequences of intelligent machines?The reduction of human labour to the subject of drones is not in anybody's

interests, but it is unlikely that progress will come out from under human control. Desirable attention to intelligent machines, to allow us to be more productive and flexible. With their help, we can make more efficient and sustainable use of our resources.

6. Technology makes mistakes, but so do the people· Web - [DOCX Document] (61)

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Rejection Performance is improved as often anxiety whenever smart technologies is engaged in, especially when we look at self-driving vehicles, and other sectors, where human life may be affected directly by intelligent machines. There is an opinion that these systems should be smart enough to work out areas of low performance and to correct themselves. But nothing is failsafe and it would be naive to think that smart technologies will be.

At best, we combine smart technology with the agility of a human decision-making to make sustainable and safe solutions.

7. It comes. Evolve or step asideHate or love it, be ready for smart technology to become much more a part of

your life. It offers unlimited potential to improve our lives and increase the stability from all sides - home, health, production, labor, transport, energy and leisure. But we must also address such issues as it security, skills, and problems in the labour market. At the forefront we need to ensure that intelligent machines will allow devices , not control mechanisms.

Internet of ThingsSo far, the internet has been mainly concerned withpeoplesharing

information. This could be via a web site or a mobile app.But now, 'things' are beginning to connect to the internet as well. For example

a fridge, a boiler, a house security system talking to each other or an online server. This is called 'the internet of things'.

The idea is that these devices communicate amongst themselves without a person being in the loop. The purpose is to make life a bit more convenient for the owner.

Example: intelligent central heating

The system in the house talks to an online server about the house temperature and so on. The online account produces up to date graphs of temperature and energy use and compares it to the 'average' customer. In this way the owner can work out if they are making best use of their energy. All this is done automatically.

To make it even more convenient, the owner can access this information through a mobile app. They can also switch the heating off and on from anywhere through the app.· Web - [DOCX Document] (62)

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The futureIt is still early days for the 'internet of things'. One of the issues is that there is

no standardised way for the devices to talk to one other (network protocol). For example, protocols include

'Thread' - supported by Google and an alliance of other companies 'HomeKit' - supported by Apple 'ZigBee' - another alliance 'Z-Wave' - another allianceEventually though - maybe by 2020, expect to see many devices in your home

connecting to the internet and each other.

KEYWORDS1. Self-Monitoring Analysis

and Reporting Technology Internet of Things

2. Photo shop

Самоконтроль, анализ и отчетность технологии

Интернет вещей

Questions:1. What is smart car?2. S.M.A.R.T.?3. What is a Internet of Things?

Practical work № 13. E-technology. E-business. E-Learning. Social networks. E-gov

Objective:• Training in effective application of means of ICT in educational process, including work with the distributed information resource of educational appointment.

Learning Outcomes:• use of search engines and electronic resources in the professional purposes.• applications of various forms of electronic training for expansion of professional knowledge;• works with cloud services of E-technologies.

Asocial networking service(alsosocial networking site,SNSorsocial media) is an online platform that is used by people to buildsocial networksorsocial relationswith other people who share similar personal or career interests,activities, backgrounds or real-life connections.

E-business (electronic business) is the conduct of business processes on the Internet. These electronic business processes include buying and selling products,· Web - [DOCX Document] (63)

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supplies and services; servicing customers; processing payments; managing production control; collaborating withbusiness partners; sharing information; running automated employee services; recruiting; and more.

Direct SalesDirect sales is an electronic business model that involves selling products

through a website or online marketplace such as eBay. Retail-style shopping websites can be programmed to process orders 24 hours a day without physical sales or service staff. Some retail websites package and ship orders during regular business hours from their own warehouses while others outsource fulfillment to a third party in a drop-shipping arrangement. The retail business model also works well for digital goods such as electronic books or software as fulfillment is provided automatically through a website download.

ServicesService-based electronic business models include freelance writing, research

and fact-checking, website design, video production, customer service, reminder services and virtual assistants. Service-based business models are ideal in an electronic environment because communication can be facilitated through email or instant messaging services, and the services can be rendered through those same mediums or through an electronic work desk on a corporate website.

AdvertisingAdvertising is a flexible electronic business model that can be executed in a

number of ways. Businesses can choose to be an online publisher of free content, for example, and sell advertising space on or within their content similar to what traditional magazines and newspapers do. According to Digital Enterprise, the online publishing model opens up subscription revenue options because companies can charge fees to access some or all of the content they produce. Affiliate marketing is another type of advertising business model frequently used online. Businesses recommend or mention specific products related to their content and if readers purchase products through the links provided, the business earns commissions from each sale.

KnowledgeKnowledge-based electronic business models often involve consulting,

mentoring or teaching through an online website, chat service or email. Some consultants and mentors offer private individual sessions with their clients through email or Internet telephones while others share their knowledge and training through teleconferences or discussion boards. Knowledge-based businesses commonly deliver much of their materials automatically through pre-recorded videos and audios, and written documentation that can be accessed for a fee through a private membership website.· Web - [DOCX Document] (64)

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E-learning (Electronic Learning) is an electronic learning system, which is synonymous with terms such as distance learning, learning using computers, online learning, virtual learning, learning through computer and electronic technologies.

Anelectronic book(ore-book) is abook- orperiodicalpublication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on computers or other electronic devices.

Anintelligent tutoring system(ITS) is acomputer systemthat aims to provide immediate and customized instruction or feedback to learners,[1]usually without intervention from a human teacher.

Electronic and digital signatureA digital signature (not to be confused with adigital certificate) is a

mathematical technique used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a message, software or digital document.· Web - [DOCX Document] (65)

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A digital signature can be used with any kind of message -- whether it is encrypted or not -- simply so the receiver can be sure of the sender's identity and that the message arrived intact. Digital signatures make it difficult for the signer to deny having signed something (non-repudiation) -- assuming their private key has not been compromised -- as the digital signature is unique to both the document and the signer, and it binds them together.

E-governmentOn the 12th of April web-portal of electronic government reaches 7 years old!

Today citizens of the country may obtain online96public services. Moreover 49 types of services (acceptance and check of different data, reserving, placing in turn, information view), payments of 20 types if state duties, 17 types of state fees, 4 types of taxes, 3 types of payment for utility services, payment of fines for traffic violations, 81 services of e-licensing.

E-government of the Republic of Kazakhstan was highly appreciated on the global level in 2012. In the UN ranking of electronic government development Kazakhstan possessed the 2ndplace according the e-participation index.· Web - [DOCX Document] (66)

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Top 15 Most Popular Social Networking Sites1. Facebook2. YouTube3. Twitter4. LinkedIn5. Pinterest6. Google Plus+7. Tumblr8. Instagram9. Reddit10.VK 11.Flickr12.Vine13.Meetup14.Ask.fm15.Class Mates· Web - [DOCX Document] (67)

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KEYWORDS1. E-technology2. E-business3. E-Learning4. Social network5. E-government6. social networking service 7. Direct Sales8. Services9. Advertising10.Knowledge11.An electronic book 12.Electronic and digital signature

Е-технологииЕ-бизнесЭлектронное ОбучениеСоциальная сетьЭлектронное правительствосоциальная сеть Прямые ПродажиУслугиРекламаЗнанияЭлектронная книга Электронно-цифровой подписи

Questions:1. Electronic business: Main models of electronic business?2. Information infrastructure of electronic business?3. Legal regulation in electronic business?4. Electronic training: architecture, structure and platforms?5. Electronic textbooks and the intellectual training systems?6. Electronic government: concept, architecture, services?7. Electronic and digital signature?8. Formats of implementation of the electronic government in developed countries?

Practical work №14. IT in professional sphere. Industrial ICT

Objective: Organizations and ICTICT and schools

Schools used to be fairly low technology places. Everything was paper based and equipment was mainly the blackboard, chalk and a rather battered set of old textbooks.

But with computers and electronic equipment appearing over the last thirty years or so, schools have become major users of ICT.

This has happened in all aspects of school life including Administration Classroom teaching Networking e-Learning Examinations Distance learning and collaboration

This mini-web will describe some of the uses of ICT in schools today.· Web - [DOCX Document] (68)

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With hundreds of students passing through the school electronic records need to be kept for every student.

The records are kept in a database called a Management Information System (MIS).

In the classroom - whiteboardsThe old blackboard and chalk is long gone from modern schools and in their

place you are more likely to see an interactive whiteboard.

courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Interactive whiteboards can connect to any digital source such as a computer.The computer can be used to show a lesson or to connect to a web sitePupils can interact with the screen by using a special pen or their hands.However, many teachers do not use interactive whiteboards to their full

capabilities and after a while they are very often used as an expensive 'projector screen'.

In the classroom - projectorsMost classrooms now have a digital projector.They are commonly mounted onto the ceiling but they can also be free

standing and placed on a trolley or desk.

The projector takes a digital feed from the computer or device to which it is connected and then projects it on to a wall, projector screen or whiteboard.

Projectors enable students to see what is being displayed on the teacher's computer. Using specialist software, teachers can also project images from students' computers in the classroom.

Document camerasSome schools have a document camera.This is more flexible than a standard projector because solid objects can be

placed beneath it.The video camera can take a moving image and show it either through the

interactive whiteboard or the digital projectorThis is very useful for showing the whole class, an item. Perhaps a historic

arrowhead in a history class or a butterfly in a biology class.· Web - [DOCX Document] (69)

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Computer roomsThe computer is widely used to teach many subjects as well as ICT itself.Each student may have their own laptop, netbook or laptop for personal use.But in order to teach a whole class, a set of computers are often arranged

together into one classroom. All the class can then take part in the lesson.

courtesy ofIICD from The Hague, The Netherlands

Acomputer networkconnects them all together, along with access toshared drives,files servers,printersand theinternet.

Of course for a lesson to take place, each computer has access to the right software application perhaps a photo editing suite, a sound editing application or an office suite.

Each student has their own network account so they log on using their username and password.

Work is stored on the school file server.Virtual learning environmentA virtual learning environment or VLE is an online education platform. It is

used as an extension of normal school lessons.A VLE contains many tools to help students learn their subjects.Now, video links are being introduced so that the student can see the lesson as

it happens. They can ask questions and interact with their school mates by radio, email and instant messaging.

The video links are sent over a broadband satellite network that covers over 1.5 million square kilometers of the Australian Outback.

Nearer to home in the UK, distance learning is widely used as well, for both children and adults alike. For example, they can attend a 'webinar' or or a 'webcast', which is a real-time video stream of a lecture over the internet.

Online computer testsEach question is presented on screen along with a set of possible answers

(multi-choice). The student then selects their answer, either by mouse or touch screen.

The advantage of taking an exam this way is that it is very fast to mark and it does not involve a lot of paper which may get lost or damaged.

The disadvantage is that it cannot deal with drawings very easily or with long essay type answers. But for simple tests, it is very quick and easy to set up and mark.

Questions:· Web - [DOCX Document] (70)

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1. IT in professional sphere?2. Industrial ICT?

Practical work №15. Perspectives of ICT development

Objective: Perspectives of ICT development

ICT underpins innovation and competitiveness across a broad range of private and public markets and sectors.

The potential and capabilities of modern ICT systems are still growing exponentially fuelled by the progress in electronics, microsystems, networking, the ability to master increasingly complex cyber-physical systems and robots, and progress in data processing and human machine interfaces. These developments provide major opportunities for Europe to develop the next generation of open platforms on top of which a multiplicity of innovative devices, systems and applications can be implemented.

These new solutions will enable a wealth of new business developments in particular for SMEs, and will contribute to boosting competitiveness, creating jobs and supporting growth.

Main features of the Work ProgrammeThe first ICT-Leadership in Enabling and IndustrialTechnologies

(LEIT)Work Programme under H2020 provides a balanced response to the main challenges faced by Europe in the field: firstly, the need to maintain a strong expertise in key technology value chains; secondly, the necessity to move quicker from research excellence to the market.

It combines a strong support to industrial roadmaps with new mechanisms to encourage disruptive innovation. The former will reinforce medium to long term commitment to industrial strategies and provide continuity and stability. The latter will offer flexibility and openness and will help develop dynamic eco-systems in which innovators can operate. Both strands will require the involvement of new actors, on one hand to exploit and leverage new technologies and on the other to initiate and drive change.

ActivitiesSix main activity lines have been identified in the ICT-LEIT part of the Work

Programme:1.A new generation of components and systems2.Advanced Computing3.Future Internet4.Content technologies and information management5.Robotics6.Micro- and nano-electronic technologies, Photonics

In addition, the Work Programme features several cross-cutting topics· Web - [DOCX Document] (71)

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addressing cyber-security, Internet of Things and research on a Human-centric Digital Age. All activities are complemented with support to innovation and take-up, international cooperation and a dedicated action for SMEs to propose bottom-up innovative ideas, using the SME instrument.

Content Technologies and Information Management

Developments related to content creation, distribution, access, retrieval and interaction offer a number of opportunities and challenges for the media and creative industries.

The demand is growing for high-quality content and new user experiences, with some specific trends in the society and businesses:

media convergence, social media, widespread use of mobile devices, broadband internet penetration, increasing computing power, the consumption of content anywhere, anytime and on any device.The economic performance of the cultural and creative sectors in the EU

account for 3.3% of GDP and employ 6.7 million people (3 % of total employment). Figures are also important if one considers fashion and high-end industries, which account for 3% of the EU GDP each and employ respectively 5 and 1 million people. Between 2008 and 2011, employment in the cultural and creative sectors showed growth rates, varying however between subsectors. Some sectors have a high percentage of youth employment (figures extracted from aCommission Communicationfrom 2012).

Research and Innovation activities will provide professionals and citizens with new tools to model, analyse, and visualise vast amounts of data from which to extract more value, to make an intelligent use of data coming from different sources and to create, access, exploit, and re-use all forms of digital content in any language on any device. This opens new possibilities for personalisation, accessibility and inclusion.

Topics in this area address in particular key aspects of digital content and information management.

Big Data:Worldwide Big Data technology and services are expected to grow from EUR

2.4 billion in 2010 to EUR 12.7 billion in 2015. The challenge is to strengthen Europe’s position as provider of innovative multilingual products and services based on digital content and data, addressing well-identified industry and consumer market needs.Two main problems to be solved:

improving the ability of European companies to build innovative multilingual data products and services, and· Web - [DOCX Document] (72)

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solving fundamental and applied, market driven research problems related to the scalability and responsiveness of analytics capabilities.Content convergence and content rights managementThe aspects covered will be user generated content rights, real time rights

management, orphan work rights, conditional access throughout different networks.Machine translationThe goal will be to overcome barriers to multilingual online communication

which is still hampering a wider penetration of cross-border commerce, social communication and exchange of cultural content enabling the full deployment of the Single Digital market.

Media convergence and social mediaAdoption and deployment of innovative ICT solutions by and for the creative

industries SMEs, including on media convergence and social media. This can be achieved through collaboration with ICT providers and by accelerating and supporting the growth of European creative and media industries. Research, development and exploitation of new or emerging technologies support the creative and media industries

from the content side (e.g. 3D, augmented reality technologies, real time media), and from the user context (relevant community feedback, context-centric), including new forms of experiencing environment.Technologies for better human learning and teachingTheir purpose is to boost the market for innovation, requiring close cooperation

of industry and academia, aiming at a European digital learning ecosystem, including formal and informal learning. Advanced gaming/gamification in professional, educational and other non-leisure context to fight digital exclusion through new technologies and better cross-sectorial synergy.

Multimodal and natural human-computer interactionThe research actions will aim to make smarter and more interactive interfaces

for a multimodal, inter-cultural, verbal and non-verbal communication which is closer to human patterns.


Questions:Perspectives of ICT development?· Web - [DOCX Document] (73)

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3.1 Main literature 3.1.1 June J. Parsons, New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 18th Edition—

Comprehensive, Thomson Course Technology, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc Cambridge, MA, COPYRIGHT © 2016; ISBN-10: 1-4239-0610-1, ISBN-13: 978-1-4239-0610-0.

3.1.2 ReemaThareja Fundamentals of Computers. – Oxford University press: Oxford, 2014. - 288p

3.1.3 George Beekman. Computer Confluence: Exploring Tomorrow's Technology. ISBN 0130661880, 9780130661883. PrenticeHall, 2003

3.1.4Симонович С.В. и др. Информатика. Базовый курс: учебное пособие для высших технических учебных заведений. – СПб.: Питер, 2011. – 639 с.

3.2 Further reading3.2.1 ThomasM. Connolly, etal.Database Systems: A practical approach to

Design, Implementation, and Management.4th Edition ISBN: 0321210255 Addison-Wesley, 2004

3.2.2 H. L. Capron. Computers: Tools for an Information Age. Addison-Wesley, 1998.

3.2.3 Roqers Y., H. Sharp, J. Preece. Interaction design beyond human - computer interaction - Third Edition.- Italy: WILEY & Sons Ltd, 2011.- 585 р.

3.2.4 Ducket, J. Beginning Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS: 2th ed. / Jon Ducket.- U.S.A: Wiley Publishing. Inc, 2008.- 739с. ISBN 978-1-0-470-25931-3.

3.2.5 Stephen P Borgatti, Martin G. Everett, Jeffrey C. Johnson Analyzing Social Networks Paperback, 2013

3.2.6Уша Рани ВьясулуРедди. Серия учебников по ИКТР для молодежи. Учебник 1: Введение в ИКТ для развития. UN-APCICT/ESCAP 2011

3.2.7Дейтел Х. М., Дейтел П. Дж., Чофнес Д. Р. Операционные системы. Часть 1. Основы и принципы. – М.: Бином-Пресс, 2011. – 677 c.

3.2.8Ярочкин В.И. Информационная безопасность: Учебник для вузов. – М.: Акад. Проект, 2008. – 544 c.

3.2.9 Голицына О.Л. Базы данных: Учебное пособие. – М.: Форум, 2012. – 400 c.

3.2.10 Keith Worden, W.A. Bullough, J. Haywood.Smart Technologies. World Scientific Pub Co Inc (April 14, 2003)

3.3 Internet resources3.3.1 https://en.wikipedia.org3.3.2

technical-systems-building-technologies-for-communities/the-evolution-of-· Web - [DOCX Document] (74)

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computing3.3.4 architecture

.shtml· Web - [DOCX Document] (75)

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