Mission 7: A Chance Meeting - Devil May Cry 3 Guide - IGN (2024)


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Mission 6: Family Ties

Starting out, throw down the Trickster style and enter this one. Go through the red door to enter the chamber of trials. You only need to pass through two of the three, but you can obtain the Artemis Gun by completing all three of the trials. The Trial of Wisdom is first on our list, from left to right. Inside of here, you will find four doors. Go through the doorway with four glowing orbs above it, followed by the doorway with two glowing orbs and finally the doorway with three glowing orbs. Lastly, collect the Essence of Intelligence in the main room. Exit through the doorway that you came from (one orb).

The Trial of Techniques is next (the middle stairway). Go through to watch a cut-scene, and get ready to endure an obstacle of dodging gigantic spears. The key to doing this is to begin running from side to side and climbing the wall (towards the wall and the circle button) when the floor spikes begin thrusting upward. Keep zig-zagging and climbing the walls like a playful kitten to reach the Essence of Technique. This is a pretty tough Essence to collect. You will be trapped by some Stone Dragons and Sandmen. Go through the door and into the final doorway, the Trial of Fighting. Inside of here, walk over to the platform to activate the battle sequence. You must light up both of the glowing circles before the enemies become vulnerable for death. Some Teleporters and some Collars appear after the first wave of enemies, so you may need a stashed Vital Star S to pass this if you get too hung up. It's best to use the Cerberus here to light those circular stones up quickly.

Grab the Essence of Fighting and exit into the original room. Grab the Red Orbs atop of the laser machine and activate the machine to collect the Artemis demon gun. Now, go through the door and use Agni & Rudra on the combo statue. Go through the hall to watch a cut-scene to complete the mission.

Mission 7: A Chance Meeting

Choose Swordmaster for your Style. SECRET MISSION NOTE: You will find an enclave that contains Secret Mission 3 inside of it. You must stay in the air for twenty seconds. The key to doing this is to play leap frog on the enemies' heads. Afterwards, collect all of the red orbs and enter the red door leading to the Heavenrise Chamber. Collect all of the red orbs by hitting all of the spring pads. Drop all of the way to the bottom of the room and go through the doorway to reach the Divine Library. You will reach several living statues throughout this hall, so destroy all of them for some decent red orbs and collect the Orihalcon fragment. Return to the previous room and use the springs to reach the top of the chamber. There's a Holy Water jug on the platform below the highest that you can collect.

In the Pitch-Black Void, grab the red orbs through here as well as the Blue Orb fragment out on the high above balcony, and go through the blue door to reach Skull Spire. Get ready to battle some wicked enemies in this area, consisting of those damn living statues again. The first pair is the hardest to get rid of, since you cannot back up much with gunplay in hand. Use your hardcore combos on the first two statues and use gunning to down the next sets. Afterwards, jump over the gated area to grab the Vital Star S, and go through the door to the left. Once inside, head towards the statue to meet your new match: Nukers. Nukers carry around specter missiles that chase Dante down in hopes of destroying him. They will whack you with the cannons themselves if you get too close, so use Ebony & Ivory to level them.

Collect Siren's Shriek once all of the havoc has been played, and exit through the previously inaccessible door after breaking the pots open for red orbs. Walk up the stairs and use the Orihalcon fragment on the power supply device. Go into the capsule to be taken to the main chamber. Use the Siren's Shriek on the flame-covered door and go through it. Begin slaughtering the Collars and Exploders in this hall, but do not forget to pick up the Yellow Orb at the bottom of the hallway. Equip the Cerberus and go through the door to reach a room that looks seemingly closed off, but use the weapon on the environment to break everything away. Begin punching the glowing circular object until a spiked ball drops from the ceiling.


Jump atop of the spiked ball and bash away at it with your Cerberus whip, or stay on the ground and attack it with your twin swords until it pops, revealing the Crystal Skull. Immediately afterwards, you will be bombarded by several Nukers and tons of Collars. Equip your best weapon and the Artemis for charged multishots. This will eliminate multiple targets eventually. Switch to Ebony & Ivory halfway through to speed things up. You might need to use a Vital Star S if you do not evade the Collars' attacks well enough. Afterwards, exit the room and go back into the elevator. Return to the Tranquil Souls area and take care of some Sandmen and Nukers before fighting the Reaper again! Yikes. Bring along a Vital Star S for complete usage here.

After defeating the Reaper using the same tactics as in Mission 2 only with the Cerberus whip, go through the door to reach the Skull Spire room. Use the Crystal Skull in its place and go through the door. Destroy the red orb statue and change your style to Swordmaster if it is not already. Go through the door to fight Vergil. Vergil is a tricky sucker, so get ready for him to appear directly behind you when you try to acquaint him with Ebony & Ivory. Equip your twin blades and give him a good slashing with some timely combos and jump away from the battle the very moment that he begins to parry your attack. He will leave his sides exposed to damage when he is pulling off his combo on the air, so take advantage of it. At around halfway dead, Vergil will move out and the camera angle will change. Simply evade the attack by rolling around. The best way to defeat Vergil is to shoot him with Ebony & Ivory, roll evade his teleportation and leap into the air to pump him full of lead. Land and strike a combo after rolling away from a strike.

Mission 8: A Renewed Fear

Choose the Swordmaster Style again and make sure that you have Rebellion and Cerberus before entering Mission 8. Dante will be inside of a demonic whale's blubbery belly, and he must escape. There are two exits; the first is on a ledge above you that can be accessed by striking the nerves surrounding it, and the other is beyond a school bus on the lower left side of the "room." SECRET MISSION NOTE: Secret Mission 4 is beyond the second exit. Avoid the nasty pools of stomach acid, as they will damage you. You must destroy the five nerves to move the tusks from the exit. One is behind the school bus, one is on the ledge above the starting point, and another is on the opposite side of this ledge. You can find a Blue Orb fragment on the ship in the background. You will find another beyond the waterfall of acid, and the final one is on the right of the waterfall passed a red orb statue. Drop onto the school bus and go through the now-unlocked pathway.

Slice open the "doorway" at the end of the room and enter the next area. Go through to the blue doorway and sprint through the hall to escape the gigantic worm creature's wrath via the tiny doorway. Go through the doorway and take care of the enemies scattered throughout this "hall." Go through to the next room and you will encounter an unlimited supply of enemies. Kill as many as it takes to create the key item, Ignis Fatuus. Go through the open doorway and run through the hall to reach another door. Walk through it and get ready to clear all of the enemies out of the main "room." Go through to the room with the two gigantic organisms, and use the Ignis Fatuus on the bloody kiosk. This initiates a boss fight.

Leviathan's organs are very tough due to the fact that there are three of them. The key to successfully completing this boss on the first try is to remember that you must equip your weapon of choice, and you must take care of the smaller organisms on the side before taking care of the heart itself. We used Cerberus to eliminate the organism on the right first and Devil Triggered onto the heart once it was exposed. After a short while, the heart will be covered up again, and you must repeat the process. Watch out for the nasty line of enemies that respawn after destroying them. After collecting a certain amount of red orbs, the heart will be exposed only to sweep a laser beam back and forth across the room. Stand in the center of the room and time your jumps over the laser.


Mission 9: Faded Memories

Starting out, take the Swordmaster or Gunslinger style in and start the mission. The control panel for the bridge is immediately in front of you, but you cannot activate it yet. Move through the corridor and go through the door. As you walk further in, get prepared to fight two Spiders. These creatures are very tough, and should be fought from afar. Be careful, however, as they can and will leap toward you after a while. Two more Spiders will attack after the first two have been defeated. Go through the multicolored door to reach a puzzle room. Destroy the middle mirror on the left and along the bottom to form a crazy looking "4," as depicted below. This unlocks the door.

Go through the blue door and use Ebony & Ivory to dismantle the archers across the gap and head up the stairway. Double jump and blow up the archer up here, and quickly focus your attention to the right to find another archer. Go around to the other side, taking out more archers and go through the doorway. Watch out in this next room, as you will face a ton of Nukers and Sandmen in a narrow corridor containing gigantic devices that will slice through Dante. After going into the room after this one, you can purchase some items and go to the left to climb the foundation of the torn down structure to find the Spiral, a high powered rifle to add to your weapons collection.

Enter the door next to the power-up station and enter the rounded spiral room. Carefully walk along the path to avoid getting hit by the spinning blades and kill the enemies inside of this room. In the spider room, collect the Ambrosia and take care of the Spiders that appear in the room. Backtrack to the Spiral weapon room and go through the waterfall to reach a new corridor. SECRET MISSION NOTE: You will find Secret Mission 5 near the entrance, on a high ledge. Now, go left in the hall to find a Devil Star, and go right to find several enemies lined up to fight you. You can fight them or run for the exit, where you will find a locked door. Place the Ambrosia inside of the slot and enter the door to find Nevan.

Nevan is arguably one of the easier boss fights in the game because of the voice patterns that you can judge her attacks by. She will call out her attacks before she pulls them off, leaving you wide open for a decent counter-attack to blow the battle wide open. You should bring a Holy Water along to douse her with whenever she has let her bat minions down for a while. Lock onto Nevan and begin roll evading all of her lightning balls that she shoots at you. The majority of Nevan's attacks are very easy to evade without even listening in! Just be sure to keep your guard up, and you should have barely any trouble whatsoever in roll evading out of any of her attacks. The key to defeating her, however, is quite difficult. Wait for her to present herself open to attack in the middle of the floor and counter-attack one of her moves (preferably the back flip). Pound on her until the darkness that surrounds her engulfs her and Devil Trigger onto her to take care of business. Repeat this process, and attempt an Air-Hike or a very timely jump plus Ebony & Ivory gunning in mid-air to avoid a shocking revelation whenever she zaps the floor of the room.

Mission 10: The Job

Take in the Swordmaster Style along with Nevan and Cerberus. Grab the Stone Mask and return through the broadway play stage and to the tunnel. Defeat the line of troops from Hell along your way to the combo statue in the power-up statue hall. Comboing with Nevan is incredibly tough to do, so just keep at it. Afterwards, throw the Stone Mask into the door with the white glowing light coming out of it along the wall. This will give you access to a bridge. Collect the Neo-Generator at the end of the bridge. SECRET MISSION NOTE: You can access Secret Mission 6 by checking out the object in back of this statue.


With the Neo-Generator in hand, head to the big green door. Before entering, collect all of the orbs to the far right, beyond the wall and such. Go through the green door and walk a little ways in to discover that you're not alone. The Backsides are tricky enemies that will rotate around the room attempt to kill you, so equip Nevan and blast them from behind to hit their weak spots. This will get rid of them. Continue backtracking until you reach the Provisions Storeroom. Kill the Spiders and the Queen Spider before going into the next door. In the next room, watch the cut-scene and go across the bridge to reach a door that leads to another cut-scene between yourself and Lady. This completes the mission.

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Mission 7: A Chance Meeting - Devil May Cry 3 Guide - IGN (1)

Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening

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Mission 7: A Chance Meeting - Devil May Cry 3 Guide - IGN (2024)


How to beat Vergil DMC3 mission 7? ›

The best way to defeat Vergil is to shoot him with Ebony & Ivory, roll evade his teleportation and leap into the air to pump him full of lead. Land and strike a combo after rolling away from a strike.

Is Devil May Cry 3 easy? ›

Devil May Cry 3. Devil May Cry 3 is said to be the most difficult game in the series, and the original release is often regarded as one of the most difficult games of all time. Enemies and Bosses generally get tougher while the player gets weaker as the difficulty increases.

How to power the elevator in DMC3? ›

Insert the Orihalcon Fragment into the lift mechanism, then take the elevator back down to the Chamber of Echoes.

How many missions are in Devil May Cry 2? ›

Dante has 18 missions, Lucia has 13. They explore the same areas, but often in reverse. They do fight a lot of the same bossess, but the end boss for each is different and spectacular.

Is Vergil easier than Dante? ›

Dante is the hardest to effectively use, since you really have to master all his styles to use him effectively. HOWEVER, as broken as Vergil is, I say Dante could give him a run for his money if you master him!

Has Vergil ever beaten Dante? ›

I think the record is they are even in the franchise too. It's 3 fights in DMC3 where Vergil wins, Tie, Dante wins. Then 3 fights in DMC where Nelo wins, Tie, Dante wins. So 6 fights in total with 2 Dante, 2 Ties, and 2 wins for Vergil.

Is DMC3 harder than Dark Souls? ›

Dark Souls requires knowledge more than reflexes. DMC3 is the opposite. DMC3 is WAY harder. Dark Souls is much better though.

Can a 12 year old play Devil May Cry? ›

Blood and Language

I think this is an amazing game, especially in the hack and slash genre. There is blood, but no gore. As a parent of a 14 and 13 year old I personally think that this game is fine for if you're 13 or older.

How do you unlock infinite Devil trigger in DMC3? ›

Complete Dante Must Die mode to unlock infinite Devil Trigger. To unlock new costumes, you must complete the game in Easy and Hard modes. To unlock Sparda, complete Dante Must Die mode. Defeat 100 enemies in the credits to see the special ending.

How do you unlock everything in DMC3? ›

Unlock All Modes

hold R1 + R2 + L1 + L2 + UP + LEFT on the D-Pad and DOWN + RIGHT on the left joystick. A sound cue will play and you should have all modes and costumes unlocked. This cheat disables trophy acquisition.

What does the yellow orb do in DMC3? ›

There are many different Orbs in the game, and here is the rundown: Red Orbs are used as currency to grab bigger power-ups and such, while Yellow Orbs are used as a Talisman to bring you back to life upon death.

Is Devil May Cry 3 long? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening is about 12 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 42 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Is Devil May Cry 5 after 4? ›

It takes place five years after Devil May Cry 4 and follows a trio of warriors with demonic powers, the returning Dante, Nero, and a new protagonist named V, as they attempt to stop the Demon King Urizen from destroying the human world.

How to play as Vergil in DMC3? ›

  1. DMC 3 in DMC HD collection is a special edition and therefore playing as vergil is possible.
  2. All you need to do is to finish the game on normal difficulty with dante and eventually you'll unlock vergil.
  3. After you do so and select new game , you'll get option to choose wether you want to play with dante or vergil.
Sep 24, 2022

How do you beat Vergil in DMC3? ›

A better strategy is, after Vergil finishes an attack, Killer Bee into him, and then hit him eight times. Then step back. If you hit him a ninth time, he'll just block it and counter attack. After that eighth hit he'll still be stunned for a moment, and then will attack.

How to beat Secret Mission 7 dmc5? ›

Wait for the Death Scissors to perform one of its two main attacks (the forward snip or spinning slice) and when the scissors gleam white, hit them with Rebellion to stun the creature. Wait for a second for the red aura around the Death Scissors' face to fully form, then shoot it once for the critical hit.

How many times do you fight Vergil in DMC3? ›

He is the ultimate test of the players skills and knowledge of the game. This power-obsessed half demon is truly the ultimate rival! Over the course of the game, you fight Vergil a total of three times ('cause it's DMC3, get it?). Each of these boss fights are incredibly varied, and they're all pretty fun.


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