Portland Press Herald from Portland, Maine (2025)

Deaths And Funeral Services Rites Set Saturday For Auburn Marine Killed In Vietnam Portland, Press Herald, Friday, Aug. 9, 1968 MRS. JOHN M. WELCH Mrs. Clara Welch, John M.

Welch, 9 Roberts died Wednesday at her home following a long illness. She was born in Medford, daughter of John and Bridget Concannon Moore. Mrs. Welch was educated in Medford schools and Portland as a young woman. She was a communicant of Sacred Heart Church.

Besides her husband she is suesived by a sister, Mrs. Helen A. Sherman, Cambridge. three grandchildren, Michael. Mark Daniel Dufresne, Stratford, and a Funeral will be 8:30 a.m.

Saturday from 749 Congress St. A Requiem High Mass will follow at 9 a.m. at the Sacred Heart Church. Interment will be in St. Hyacinth Cemetery.

Westbrook. JOHN J. JOHNSON John J. Johnson. 80.

of 1160 Congress died Wednesday evening at a local hospital after a long Illness. He was born In Sweden. Europe. June 22. 1888.

son of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson He came to Portland In 1917. Mr. Johnson was a gill netter most of his life and WAS employed by the Harris Co.

He rein 1965. He attended St. Ansgar Lutheran Church. Surviving are a brother and two sisters. all of St.

Cloud. and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at 749 Congress St. Interment will be in Brooklawn Memorial Park.

PETER GRAHAM PETER GRAHAM WESTBROOK Peter F. Graham. 20, of 528 Brook died Thursday at a Biddeford hospital following an automobile acciy dent: He was born in Winchester. 16. 1948, son of William and Marion Foster Graham.

Mr. Graham attended Westbrook schools and Central Maine Vocational Institute in Lewiston. He was employed as an electrician by S. D. Warren Co.

He was also a member of the Air National Guard and Prides Corner Congregational Church. Besides his parents he is survived by a brother. Stephen B. of Portland: paternal grandmother. Mrs.

Saraphina Graham. Burlington, maternal grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Foster. Woburn, several aunts, uncles and cousins Funeral services will be at 1 p.m. Saturday at 749 Congress Portland.

Interment will be in Chestnut Hill Cemetery, Burlington. Death Notices Notices LANDRY In Portland. August 7th Florence Landry, 73, Valentine St Westbrook Funeral Saturday at 8 15 a from the Blais Funeral Home. 35 Church St High Mass of Requiem in 8t Mary's Church at 9 a Visiting hours 7 to 9 pm Thursday and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 m. Friday.

E.9 LENT7 In Brideton. AuR 6. Col. Harold Army, of East Fryedure. Funeral Friday afternoon At 2 clock t.

the Wood Funeral Home. veburz Interment in Pine Grove Cemetery. Fryebure. (P19) LIBBY -In Portland August 7 At the residence of her daughter Mrs. Leon Freeman.

19 St George Street. Emma widow of Judge Harry C. Libby of 27 Mackworth Street Funeral Saturdav afternoon clock at 749 Congress 8t Interment In Forest City Cemetery Visiting hours Friday afternoon and evening At 749 Congress St Relatives and friends are welcome. P-101 MAY In Portland. Aug 8.

Louis Mav Mag2101 of 33 Depot Road. Falmouth Foreside Funeral Monday at 8 a from the Conroy Funeral Home. 172 State St Requtem Hizh Mass in Holy Martyr's Church. Falmouth, at 9 a m. Interment -in Calvary Cemetery.

Relatives and friends are invited to call At the funeral home Saturday 7-9 p.m. and Sunday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. (T-11) OAKES In Rochester. NH. Aux.

7. MIs 117710 A Oakes. aged 75. of 3 Russell St formerly of Sanford. Funeral services At 9 a m.

Saturday at Holy Family Parish Church. Sanford Friends may call at the LaFrance Boisvert Funeral Home. 20 Winter St. Sanford. from to and 7 to 9 Thursday and Friday Interment in St.

Ignatius Cemetery. (P-101 PARTRIDGE In Hunt Memorial Hospital. Danvers' Aug 7th. suddenly. Mrs.

Adelaide Phillips Partridge of Rowley Bridge Rd. Topsfield. wife of Harold T. Partridge. Mother of Mrs.

Adelaide Annis and Mrs. Eleanor Cobleish. both of Topshield. and William Partridge of Boston, and sister of MIs John B. Downs of.

Topsfield, Funeral will take place from the Clarence Lyons Sons Funeral Home, 28 Elm St. Danvers. Mass. Saturday at 8 A.m followed by A Funeral Mass in St Rose of Lima Church. Topsfield.

At 9 A.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Visiting hours Friday 2 to 4 And 7 to 9. p.m. 1 E-91 ROBINSON In Sanford.

AUR 6. Rachel A. Robinson, aged 72. of High Pine. Wells Funeral services wIll he held At call at the Johnson Funeral Home.

1:30 Saturday from the High Pine Baptist Church. Friends mAy 1 North Berwick. from to 9 p.m Friday. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Kennebunk.

E-9) RYCOSKY. In Saco. Aue. 7. Doris widow nf Benjamin Funeral Friday morning at 10:30 o'clock from 795 Main -Westbrook.

Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery, Friends may call Thursdav evening from 7 to 9 o'clock at 795 Main St. P-91 THORNE In Westbrook. Ang. Arthur Thorne of .88 Pride St. Funeral services Saturday 9 a.m.

Westbrook. 120. 59. from the Riopel Funeral Home. 8 Pleasant Westhrook Visiting hours Thursday and Friday evening 7-9 p.m.

E-91 TRUSS In Portland August 7. vin Truss of 8 Orchard St. South Portland. Funeral Saturday at 2 m. at the Hobbs Funeral Home, 230 Cottage Rd South Portland.

Interment in Brooklawn Memorial Park. If desired. friends may' make contributtions to the Salvation Army. Friends and relatives are invited to call a't the funeral home, Friday. 2 to 4 and 9 p.

m. P-111 -In Portland August 7 at her residence 9 Roberts Street. Clara L. wife of John M. Welch Funeral Saturday morning at 8 30 o'clock at 749 Congress St.

Requiem High Mass at 9 o'clock at Sacred Heart Church. Interment in St. Hyacinth Cemetery. Westbrook. Visiting hours Friday from 2 o'clock to o'clock and 7 o'clock 9 o'clock at Congress St.

Relatives and friends are welcome (P-10) I 19 Bodies Taken From Coal Mine In Kentucky GREENVILLE, Ky. (AP) The bodies of nine coal miners, trapped by an explosion, were recovered Thursday from an underground shaft where rescue teams had spent nearly hours in a frantic search for them. The blast. believed triggered by a carload of explosives, blew several other out of the mine entrance mend crumbled two concrete walls which controlled the flow of air. "It struck like a whirlwind," recalled one miner after Wednesday's accident at the River Queen plant.

"I almost followed those poor guys into that doomed The miner, who declined identification, said he was knocked flat but "managed to get out by feeling my way in the dark." The mine, owned and operated by the Peabody Coal was sealed off later by the state Department of Mines and Minerals, pending an investigation. Washington, the U.S. Bureau of Mines disclosed that a preliminary report indicated the blast came from explosives being transported deep in the mine. Gov. Louie B.

Nunn, who learned nf the Incident while attending the GOP National Convention in Miami Beach, said every resource of the state would be made available to help pinpoint the cause. Man Held As Polygamist Has Wife In Maine CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (UPI)By the time most men get be 30 they figure one wife more than enough. But Thursday, the day before his 30th birthday, Philip E. Vezina, of Cambridge, a machine operator, pleaded Innocent to polygamy charge.

District Court Judge Haven Parker ordered Vezina held or lieu of $5,000 bail and continued the case to Aug. 16. Vezina allegedly married Carolyn Ann Botelho of Cambridge in Raymond, N.H., last week. The latest Mrs. Vezina said she found marriage licenses when her husband moved into her apartment revealing ready was married to a Laurel, woman and also a Portland, Maine, woman.

Vezina, who lives on Fairmont reportedly has three children in Maine and three more in Maryland. Perfect Record VONA. Colo. (AP) Carlton Woller Jr. won a sort of on-thejob trophy at graduation exercises at Vona High School.

didn't miss a single da; school in 12 years. Weather: Fair And Warm COL. HAROLD T. LENTZ FRYEBURG Col. Harold Thomas Lentz, 69, died Tuesday in a Bridgton hospital following a heart attack.

He was born in Olman, Jan. 1. 1899, son of Harry and Anna Murphy Lentz. Col. Lentz's military career included duty during the First and Second World Wars a and Korean War.

He served in the armies of invasion in Africa, Italy and Germany during World War II. Post war occupational ASsignments include duty with the Corps of Engineers in France. Germany and Japan. He was later named manager of the New England Division, Corps of Engineers. He received many commendations including, the Bronze Star with Leaf Clus.ter.

Following his retirement from the Army he became engaged in horse breeding and racing. He owned and operated "Hacienda Stables" at East Fryeburg. He attended Terra Haute. graduated A from. Rose Polytechnic School of Engineering.

include his wife. the former Azucena Leone de Leone: a sister, Mrs. R. M. Bridwell of Plainfield.

N. two nieces: a nephew and several cousins. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at Wood Funeral Home. Military honors will be provided by the Frank W.

Shaw Post. American Legion. Interment will be in Pine Grove Cemetery. MARVIN R. TRUSS SOUTH PORTLAND Marvin R.

Truss. 70. of 8 Orchard South Portland, died in a Portland nursing Wednesday after long illness. Mr. Truss was born in Newcastle, June 13.

1898. the son of William and Emma Steele Truss. He attended Wilmington. schools. Mr.

Truss was the superintendent of estimating and production at the Bath Iron Works when he retired in 1953. He 1s survived Evelyn by Baraby, his wife, and the former two nieces, Mrs. Joan Bacon of Wilmington, and Mrs. Jean Smith of 1 Ft. Wayne, Ind.

Funeral services will be 2 Saturday at the Hobbs p.m. Funeral Home, 230 Cottage Road, South Portland. Interment will be in Brooklawn Memorial Park. MRS. BETSEY H.

GILMAN FALMOUTH Miss Betsey Hayford Gilman, 96, of 24 West Circle. West Falmouth, died Wednesday night in a Yarmouth nursing home after a long ness. She came here four years from Hartford, where she ago lived 30 years. She was born Jan. 14.

1872. in Malden. daughter of Jonathan and Helen Phinney Gilman, and grew up Malden and Reading. After graduating from Girls High School of Boston in 1890. Miss Gilman operated 8 dancing school in Boston AS a young woman and later served as An assistant at Gilbert's Dancing School in Portland.

Then for several years she arranged Shakespearean recitals in Maine and California, She served for a time as SOcial director in the School of Nursing of New York City's Bellevue Hospital and later in the same role at Rochester General Hospital. She went to Hartford in 1934 after living in Florida a short time. Miss Gilman leaves three nieces and a nephew. Memorial services will be of Hartford at a time to held in the Community Church nounced. Interment will be in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Dexter.

Card of Thanks For Information Call 775-3151 CARD OF THANKS The family of Mrs. Duncan Douglas wishes to express their appreciation for all the kindnesses extended to them during their recent bereavement. In Memoriam For Information Call 775-3151 IN MEMORIAM In Loving Memory Of FRANCIS CAVALLARO Who Passed Away Aug. 9, 1940 Your gentle face and patient smile with sadness we recall. You had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all.

Sadly Missed by Mother, Brother And Sister IN MEMORIAM Loving Memory Of Mother and Grandmother HELEN (NELLIE) GERBER Who Passed Away Aug. 9, 1964 Till memory fades and life departs, live forever in our hearts. Son. Clarence Daughter In Law And Granddaughter IN MEMORIAM In Loving Memory Of My Husband EDMUND A. LAWRENCE Who Passed Away Aug.

9, 1965 Gone, but not forgotten. Wife, Alta 2-Year-Old Drowns At Mount Desert MOUNT DESERT (AP) A two-year-old child drowned here Thursday as it wandered' into shallow water in front cottage owned by his parents. identified the child as Ho, son of Mr. Mrs. Robert Ho of Northeast Harbor.

He apparently wandered into waters of Long Pond here unnoticed by his parents, officials said. A next door neighbor spotted the body. LOUIS MAY FALMOUTH Louis May (Maggio), 79. of 33 Deopt Road. retired Portland barber, died Thursday in a Portland hospital after a brief illness.

Mr. May retired 14 years as owner and manager of State Barber Shop in Portland's State Theater building, operated by his son, Leo J. of Falmouth. He was born April 18, 1889, in Messina, Sicily, son of John and Angela Maggio, and tended schools in Italy. before coming to this country as young man.

Mr. May was a communicant of Holy Martyrs Church and former member of Portland Council, K. of C. He leaves his wife, Clara Wibe May; his son: two ters, Mrs. Teresa DeGlacomo of Brighton, and Concetta Giardino of Canton.

and two grandchildren. Prayers will be said at 8 Monday at the Conroy Funeral Home, 172 State Portland, with a High Mass of Requiem at 9 a.m. in Holy Martyrs Church here. Interment will in Calvary Cemetery, Mothballed Ship $10-Million Loss For Boston Area BOSTON (UPI)-A union said Thursday the Navy's decision to retire the antisuba marine carrier Randolph meant to loss ton-area of $10 economy. million to the BosRobert Mahoney, president of R1-1 of the National Association of Government Employes, said the carrier was to have undergone modernization at the Boston Naval Shipyard in October.

The Randolph was one of 50 ships deactivated along with eight air squadrons in an effort to save $3 billion. Mahoney said the future workload at the shipyard would be placed in a "precarious" position through the transfer of skilled workmen to the Phila- delphia Navy Yard. He said five recent modernization jobs had gone to Philadelphia while Boston received none. Navy Man Dies At Skowhegan Of Auto Crash Hurts SKOWHEGAN Edward R. Philpot.

21, of Embden, died Thursday evening at a Skowhegan hospital of injuries suffered in an auto crash which had already claimed one life on Route 201 here early Tuesday morning. Philpot, serving in the U. S. Navy, was a cousin of James H. Pickett, also 21, the driver of the 1966 car, who was killed in the crash.

Philpot, a gunner's mate aboard the USS Stanley, was in Maine on emergency leave due to the illness of a grandmother. East Wilton Boy Gets Probation On Driving Charge FARMINGTON, Maine (UPI) -A 16-year-old East Wilton boy Thursday was found guilty of a juvenile offense and granted two years probation on suspended sentence for reckless homicide in the death of companion. He appeared in District Court's juvenile session. Probation was granted on two condition's: That he not drive an automobile or touch intoxicants during the probationary perlod. His driver's license was automatically revoked for five years.

Killed on Aug. 1 on Rte. 149 in Strong was Ronald D. Emond, 18, of Wilton. State police said Emond was struck by a car driven by the East Wilton youth who apparently was trying to flee the scene of an accident.

A small foreign car ahead of the juvenile's car rolled over and the following car left the road and went into a field. The Emond youth reportedly got out of the juvenile's car to investigate the roll-over and was struck as the juvenile sped off. A 12-hour search for the East Wilton youth, at first feared injured. ended when he returned home later the same day. No one was reported seriously injured in the roll-over accident but that driver has also been summoned for a court appearance.

State police withheld his name pending action in Farmington District Court next Tuesday. Date From U.S. WEATHER BUREAU ESSA COOLER STATIONARY 80 90 Rain 100 Shewers 100 FORECAST Figures Shew High Temperatures Expected For Deytime Friday Iselated Precipitation Not Indicated Consult Lecal Forecast AUBURN Prayers will be sald at 8:30 a.m. Saturday Funeral at the Gallant- Raymond Home, 5 Dwinal Mechanic Falls, for Pfc. William R.

Almon. A High Mass of Requiem will follow at 9 a.m. at Our Lady of Ransom Church. Mechanic Falls with interment in Maple Grove Cemetery there. The 20-year-old Marine was killed in action in Quang Province, Vietnam, June 30.

He was born in Brantford. May 30. 1 1948, son of Russell J. and Dorls Rose Gallant Almon. He attended school at South Paris.

Mechanic Falls and was graduated from Edward Little High School here in 1967. He entered the Marine Corps. in November. 1967, and at the time of his death was assigned to the Second Battalion, Fourth Marine Division Lady of Ransom Church, Mechanic Falls. Surviving besides his parents of.

Auburn are a sister, Patricia Almon of Auburn: his maternal grandfather. Cornelius Gallant of. Amherst. N.S. MRS.

EMMA MI. LIBBY Mrs. Emma M. Libby. 68, of 27 Mackworth widow of former Municipal Court Judge Harry C.

Libby, died Wednesday at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Leon M. Freeman. 19 George after a brief illness.

Mrs. Libby was born here Nov. 15. 1899, daughter. of Frederick and Josephine Lane Plummer.

She went to local schools and lived here all her life. Mrs. Libby was a member of the Ralph D. Caldwell Post. AL.

Auxiliary. She also was active in the Portland Chapter, American Red Cross, and in Girl Scout and Camp Fire Girls work. Her husband died in 1960. Survivors include another daughter, Mrs. Robert W.

(Virginia) Purdy of Sunnyvale, two sons, Robert C. Libby of Arcadia, and Vernon C. Libby of this city, nine grandchildren, a niece and a nephew. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at 748 Congress St.

Interment will be in Forest City Cemetery. In Vietnam July 30. Ffc William R. Almon of Auburn and formerly of Mechanic Falls. Services will he he.d saturdav At 8:30 a at the Gallant- Raymond Funeral Home 5 Dwinal St.

Mechanic Falls. followed by A Requiem Mass at Our Lady of Ransom Church Mechanic Falls at 9 A Interment will be in Maple Grove Cemetery. Mechanic Fall: Rosary will be recited Friday at 7 30 Visiting hours Friday 2-4 and 7.9 p.m. at funeral home. P-91 AUGHERTON--In Portland, AR Margaret Augherton of 485 Cumberland Ave.

Funeral from the Conroy Funeral Home, 172 State St. Friday at 9 15 a m. Requiem High Mass in Sacred Heart Church at 10 a Interment Calvary Cemetery Visiting hours Thursday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. P-91 CARR In Portland. Aug.

B. unexpectedlv, A. Homer Carr, ARP 58 years. of 91 Virginia St. husband of Phyllis Hodgkins: Carr Time of funeral services to be anpounced.

Arrangements by Jones and Rich 199 Woodford St P-9) EARLES-In Portland. Auc 7, Martin F. Earles of 168 Clark St. Funeral Saturda: at 8 15 A from the Conroy Funeral Home. 172 S' atp St.

Requiem High Mass in St Dominic 5 Church at 0 a 111 Interment in Calvary Cemetery. Relatives and friends are invited to call At the funeral home Thursday Afternoon and Friday afternoon and eveNIng Ritualistic services br the Harold Andrews AL Post Friday at 7.30 p.m. at the funeral home. (P. 101 GILMAN In Yarmouth.

Aug 7. Miss Betsey Havford Gilman, ARP 06 years, of 24 West Circle. West Falmouth. formerly of Hartford. Maine Memorial services will be held in the Community Church at Hartford.

Maine. at 8 time to be announced later. Interment in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Dexter. Maine.

E-9 GLADU In Bristol. RI. Aug. 6. Mrs Joseph Mary Anne) Gladu of 23 Beach.

Road. Bristol. RI. and formerly of Westbrook and Portland Funeral Friday at 8 a m. from the Conroy Funeral Home.

172 State Portland. Recutem High Mass At SE. Hyacinth Church at 9 A.m Interment in St Hyacinth Cemetery. Westbrook. Relatives and friends are invited to call at the funeral home Wednesday from 7 p.m.

to 9 2 and Thursday from 2 to p.m, and from 7 p.m. to 9 pm. P-9) GRAHAM---In Biddeford August 8. F. Graham of 528 Brook Street.

Westbrook. Funeral Saturday afternoon at o'clock at 749 Congress St. Interment in Chestnut Hill Cemetery. Burlington, Mass Visiting hours Friday from 7 o'clock to o'clock at 749 Congress St. Relatives and friends are welcome.

P-10 JOHANSEN In Portland Aug. 7. John Johansen (Johnson) of 1160 Congress St. P-9) JOHANSEN-In Portland Aug 7. John Johansen (Johnson of 1160 Contress St.

Funeral Sunday afternoon At 2 o'clock at 749 Congress Interment in Brooklawn Memorial Park Visiting hours Friday evening and Saturday afternoon and evening at 749 Congress St Relatives and friends are welcome. (T-11) JOHNSON In Portland. Aug 7. Thomas Paul Johnson. 17, of North Alfred by accident.

Funeral Saturday afternoon 'at o'clock at the Hurd Funeral Home. 10 Winter Sanforo. Friends may call Thursdand evening 7-9 and on Friday 7-9. (P-10) JORDAN -In Porfland Aue. 6.

Walter R. Jordan Jr. formerly' of 241 Preble South Portland, Funeral Friday at 10:30 am, at the Hobbs Funeral Home. 230 Cottage Road. South Portland Interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery.

Friends and relatives are invited to Call at the funeral home Thursday afternoon and evening. (P-9) Tones and Rich FUNERAL ADVISORS -N DIRECTORS, -FORMERLY S. S. RICH SON 199 WOODFORD STREET PORTLAND, MAINE RY For Aug. 9 Zones A and B- Today fair and warm.

Highest temperatures upper 70s to low 80s. Light variable winds becoming southerly 10-15 m.p.h. Tonight partly cloudy and cool. Lowest temperatures in the 50s. Light variable winds.

Saturday fair and continued warm. Zones and Today fair and warm. Highest temperatures middle 70s to near 80. Gentle variable winds. Tonight partly cloudy and cool.

Lowest temperatures in the 50s. Light variable winds. Saturday fair and continued warm. Zone Today partly cloudy with" a chance of scattered showers. expected high near 75.

Clearing and little change in temperature at night, the near 60 degrees. Southerly winds 10 to 15 miles an hour, becoming light and variable at night. Boston and Vicinity Today partly cloudy and more humid with a chance of afternoon or evening showers. High temperatures in the low to mid-80s. Fair with no important temperature changes tonight and Saturday.

Eastport to Block Island: Mostly south to southwest winds 10 to 15 knots today. Becoming partly cloudy with a Detective Writer in Weds Secretary CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) The creator of fiction's Perry Mason, Erle Stanley Gardner, married his secretary of years Wednesday night at the home of a former Nevada State Prison warden. alThe Rev. John D.

Ward, pastor of Stewart Community Church. performed the brief ceremony between Agnes Jean Bethell and Gardner. 79, whose mystery and detective stories have sold more than 75 million copies. The couple returned by automobile Thursday to their home in the Southern California community of Temecula. Gardner 1s a widower.

His bride, who listed her age on He marriage license as "over 21." of received a Mexican divorce 1934. Rocky Swallows Chagrin Over Nixon's Veep Choice MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller swallowed his chagrin over Richard M.

Nixon's choice of a running mate and went before the Republican National Convention Thursday night to make a few party-harmony remarks. Associates of the New York governor said he was SO displeased by Nixon's selection of Maryland Gov. Spiro T. Agnew for the vice presidential nomination that he had considered snubbing the convention and going directly home. Rockefeller was said to feel that Nixon deliberately had insulted him by picking a candidate who once had been in Rockefeller's corner.

Agnew endorsed Nixon this week at a critical point in the struggle over the presidential nomination. Rockefeller refused to comment publicly on Agnew's selection, except to say tersely that it was the presidential nominee's right to choose his running mate. Later, enroute to the convention hall to make a brief speech, Rockefeller said: "It's the privilege and tradition of the man who is the nominee to pick his running mate. This 1s Mr. Nixon's day, and I have no comments." Responding to warm applause as he appeared at the convention speaker's rostrum with his wife, Happy, at his side, Rockefeller said he had come to congratulate Nixon.

"The convention has spoken and I support the decision of the convention," he declared, touching off more cheers. The moment contrasted vividly with Rockefeller's last ap- Prayer For Today Let me learn the wisdom and patience of Paul, Lord. When life's problems 'loom large before me, help me to hear what He heard when His thorn in the flesh remained: "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." May find courage to go forward i in complete trust in Thy word, I pray in Jesus' name. Amen. Gordon A.

Stolz, Yorba Linda, minister, Yerba Linda Moravian Church. chance of scattered showers late in day. Visibility over miles lowering to two to miles in haze Friday. Record temperatures for 9 94 in 1949; 46 in 1964. Thursday's Statistics Max.

Min. Airport 80 56 Intown 82 60 Year Ago 75 54 Degree Days-0 Other Maine stations bou, 73-43; Eastport, Greenville, 76-52; Old 80-50; Houlton, 76-46; ford. 80-53; Augusta, Millinocket. 78-50 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Weathere Elsewhere High Low Pr. Albanya.

cloudy 86 63 Albuquerque, cloudy 91 63 Atlanta, cloudy 95 73 Bismarck, 76 56 Boise, clear 96 68 Boston, cloudy, 77 67 Buffalo, 85 61 Chicago. clear 88 74 .02 Cincinnati, 90 69 .02 Cleveland, cloudy 87 67 Denver, cloudy 90 63 Des Moines. cloudy 83 68 1.78 Detroit, rain 89 68 .08 Fairbanks, clear 77 58 Fort Worth, cloudy 100 74 Helena, clear 85 55 Honolulu, cloudy 89 76 Indianapolis, rain 90 70 .39 clear 97 78 Juneau, cloudy 66 51 Kansas City, rain 96 72 1.02 Los Angeles, clear 82 66 Louisville, cloudy 92 71 Memphis, clear 92 75 Milwaukee. cloudy clear 87 77 .35 80 63 71 Mpls-St. Paul, clear.

86 70 New Orleans. cloudy 93 74 .01 New York. clear 91 73 Oklahoma City, clear 102 72 Omaha, cloudy 84 69 Phoenix, cloudy 102 79 Pittsburgh. cloudy 84 67 Portland. Ore.

cloudy 84 52 Rapid City, cloudy 86 57 Richmond, cloudy 92 70 .13 St. Louis, cloudy 94 76 .25 Salt Lake City, cloudy 90 65 .02 San Diego, clear 78 67 San Francisco, cloudy 64 54 Seattle, clear 79 55 Tampa, cloudy 78 Washington, cloudy 91 72 Winnipeg. rain 65 51 .05 M-Missing Sun rises 5:39 a. High tide 12:30 Sun Moon sets rises 7:54 8:51 p. p.

I Low Low tide tide 6:24 6:30 AdA by Moon sets 6:43 a. six Day's Tide's length height 14 9.2 ft. hours, 15 four Day's decrease 1 hour. minutes. Moon Phases F.

Moon-Aug N. Moon-Aug 23-29 Aug. Last Aug. F.Q.-Aug 30-Sept 5 Five-Day Forecast Prec. 0 0 0 Carl76-53; Town, Rum79-55; BOSTON (AP)-The Weather Bureau five-day forecast for northern New England, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

The temperature Saturday through Wednesday will average near or slightly above normal with daytime high temperatires generally in the low and 60s: lowereadings in the low to middie No major temperature changes except for' some ing about Sunday. Total precipitation during this period will average between one-quarter and onehalf inch occurring as showers about Sunday and again about 188 Wednesday. MOUNTAINSIDE Restaurant An Experience in Fine Dining Dinner From 5 P.M. Daily Luncheon From 11 A.M. CHAIR LIFT Operating Every Day pearance before a GOP National Convention in 1964, when he was booed lustily by supporters of that year's nominee, Barry M.

Goldwater. After his brief talk to the delegates, Rockefeller returned to his hotel suite for a private party given by the four surviving children of his first marriage. He is to return to New York Friday morning. Rockefeller aides said he did not want to be present for Nixon's acceptance speech or to appear on the platform with Nixon. They said he had told the convention chairman, Rep.

Gerald R. Ford of Michigan, that, unless he could appear briefly by himself, he would not come at all. NOW OPEN TERRY'S LOBSTER HOUSE LOBSTER 0 Rte. 114 35 SEBAGO LAKE VILLAGE featuring BOILED LOBSTER DINNERS EAT INSIDE COME AS YOU ARE OPEN Week Days-2 to 8 P.M. Week A.M.


Only PERMANENT PRESS CHINO SLACKS 2 for $6,99 ONE PAIR $3.98 New wanted colors in tapered chinos for now and back-to-school. Sizes 6 to 18. SPECIAL! ONLY Regular $3.98 RUBBER RAINCOAT and HAT 0 $299 Sizes 6 to 16 The only waterproof coat -in yellow and green. OUTSTANDING VALUE -LOOM UNDERWEAR BRIEFS and T-SHIRTS 3 for $1.75.

Portland Press Herald from Portland, Maine (2025)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.