Where to Find All Dragoon Sighting in The Oregon Trail (2025)

Guide to all the Dragoon Sighting encounters on the Oregon journeys.

All Dragoon Encounters

The list below is in alphabetical order after the quest-giver, however, the Dragoons will appear in a random order in the game. These turn up between Fort Kearny and Fort Boise (legs 2 – 4). It is not possible to hit all the Dragoon waypoints that spawn, but going down the path with the most spawns will get you all 10 medallions. If you skip any Dragoon waypoints, you will not reach all 10 needed.

Fun Fact: All of these guys are real people who actually existed. The Peoria Party split up into several groups that each went their separate ways; they never reunited.

Thomas Farnham (Quest Giver)

Problem: All the Dragoons left and Thomas needs them back.

Solution: Agree to help to start the questline.

Tips: N/A

Amos Cook (Help Desk)

Problem: Amos is running essentially a help desk, and needs a break.

Solution: Answer questions for him. There will be three passing parties:

  • Impatient Man: go with the only options available
  • Slow-Witted Woman: greet, then wait.
  • Injured Woman: greet, then tell her what year it is (it’s at the top of the screen)

Tips: N/A

Chauncey Wood (Play)

Problem: Needs additional actor for play.

Solution: Does not matter who in the party is the actor. No skill check required. Select the following choices during the play:

  • “…Thrace?”
  • “…wife?”
  • “…revenge!”
  • Fight back
  • “…Thrace anon.”

Tips: Performing the play perfectly unlocks an additional achievement.

Francis Fletcher (Asleep)

Problem: Francis is asleep in the middle of the trail and needs to be woken up.

Solution: You have several options available. You can: fire a gun (uses 1 bullet), give him coffee (uses 1 coffee), yell at him, kick him, or wait (6 hours). If you don’t have any available bullets or coffee, you’ll have to do all of the other 3 options to wake him up (order does not matter).

Tips: N/A

John Pritchell (Naked)

Problem: A naked man will be standing behind some shrubbery.

Solution: Provide him with 1 clothes.

Tips: Always keep clothes in inventory, otherwise you will not be able to assist him.

Joseph Holman (Murder Mystery)

Problem: Joseph is investigating a murder but wants you to solve it.

Solution: You don’t NEED to do all of the investigative work, but you can if you’re so inclined. Answer with the following:

  • “Make accusation”
  • “Marshall Brennan”
  • “Continue”
  • “Not right-handed”
  • “Bruise”
  • “Wasn’t muddy”
  • “Wasn’t raining”
  • “He was interrupted”
  • “Thefts’ mastermind”
  • “Continue”

Tips: N/A

Obadiah Oakley (Riddles)

Problem: Must pass 3 riddles.

Solutions: Here are the ones I’ve seen:

  • What runs, but never walks. Murmurs, but never talks. Has a bed, but never sleeps. And has a mouth but never eats? (A river)
  • What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat, and 2/4 goat? (Chicago)
  • What is greater than God, more evil than the devil; the poor have it, the rich need it; and if you eat it, you’ll die? (Nothing)

Tips: All of there are easy to Google if they aren’t on this list.

Ralph L Kilbourne (Indebted)

Problem: Creditors have come for Robert and want $50.

Solution: You have a few options here. You can talk them down with high wit or a party member with the “Charming” personality, pay the $50, or try to fight the creditors. All of these options will result in the creditors leaving.

Tips: If you pay the $50, the creditors will try to convince you that Ralph actually owes them $75. If you agree to pay the $75, it will take AN ADDITIONAL $75 out of your money instead of just the extra $25.

Robert Moore (Wagon Rider)

Problem: Robert does not want to walk the rest of the way to the next stop.

Solution: Robert will hop in the back of your wagon, and you will need to clear room for him. He takes up a total of 7 spaces (3 tall, with 1 in the top row, 2 in the middle row, and 4 in the bottom row). If you discard him from your wagon, you will not receive the medallion. You must carry him until he jumps back out of your wagon (only like 10 miles)

Tips: It is highly recommended to NOT attempt to do a Dragoon Medallion run on the same run you’re doing the antique clock or using the Wind Wagon unless you are a pro at managing your space. It becomes a tight tight tight squeeze.

Sidney Smith (Injured)

Problem: Sidney misfired his rifle and is injured.

Solution: This is a two part event. You will need to provide Sidney with 1 medicine the first time you see him. He will not give you the medallion at this time. Go to the next Dragoon waypoint and he will be injured on the ground again. Give him another 1 medicine and he will give you the medallion.

Tips: Keep at least 2 medicine on you at all times until you complete both waypoints for Sidney.

This guide about The Oregon Trail was written bySecretAgentAu.You can visit the original publication from this link.If you have any concerns about this guide, please don't hesitate to reach us here.

Where to Find All Dragoon Sighting in The Oregon Trail (2025)


What are dragoons in the Oregon Trail? ›

Dragoon soldiers from Fort Scott participated in many activities that contributed to westward expansion. They provided armed escorts for parties on the Santa Fe and Oregon Trails, surveyed unmapped country, and maintained contact with Plains Indians.

Where can you still see parts of the Oregon Trail? ›

Go See Oregon Trail Ruts
  • Missouri. National Frontier Trails Museum. ...
  • Kansas. Prairie Village Santa Fe Trail Park. ...
  • Nebraska. O'Fallon's Bluff at Sutherland Rest Area. ...
  • Wyoming. Bedlam Ruts. ...
  • Idaho. Oregon Trail Park and Marina. ...
  • Oregon. Echo Meadows.
Jan 20, 2021

Should I keep dragoon medallions? ›

Every quest you successfully complete will reward you with a Dragoon Medallion. Do not trade these away. You want to keep every medallion you find, even though sometimes you can trade them away for badly needed supplies. Sometimes the soldiers require a particular common item from your stock.

Where did the Oregon Trail cross the Snake River? ›

The Oregon Trail entered Idaho in the southeast corner of the state. At Fort Hall, it joined the Snake River, following the south bank until Three Island Crossing was reached near Glenns Ferry.

Does the Oregon Trail still exist? ›

In 1978, Congress designated it as the Oregon National Historic Trail, part of the National Trails System. While only about 300 miles of actual trail ruts still remain, the route is preserved with over 125 historic sites, auto tour routes, and markers.

What was the hardest part of the Oregon Trail? ›

Stream and river crossings, steep descents and ascents, violent storms, and the persistent threat of disease among large groups of travelers were the most common challenges. Disease was the greatest threat on the trail, especially cholera, which struck wagon trains in years of heavy travel.

Can you still see the ruts from the Oregon Trail? ›

The bluffs close proximity to the river forced the emigrant trails onto a narrow path that went up and over the bluffs. Over time, as thousands of wagons, emigrants, and livestock went up the rise, ruts were carved into the dry bluffs. These ruts are still visible today at Sutherland Rest Area.

How deep are the ruts in the Oregon Trail? ›

It had to go up and over the ridge in order to continue heading west. The ridge's soft sandstone was no match for thousands of iron-shod wheels and hooves and quickly eroded. By the time Oregon Trail travel ended, ruts five feet deep had been chewed into the rock.

Can you still walk the entire Oregon Trail? ›

Although the word "trail" is used in the name, the Oregon Trail is not a true hiking trail. With 2,170 miles of the original route now in the hands of various private and public entities, access to trail segments depends upon the permission of the land owner.

What is the point of dragoons? ›

Dragoons were originally a class of mounted infantry, who used horses for mobility, but dismounted to fight on foot. From the early 17th century onward, dragoons were increasingly also employed as conventional cavalry and trained for combat with swords and firearms from horseback.

What level should I be to be a Dragoon? ›

Play lancer and continue Main Story until you complete the quest Sylph Management. Then continue your class quests where you will unlock dragoon at level 30.

Does Dragoon do good damage? ›

Dragoon is highest dps, and honestly least amount of work, and overall most fun (at least in my opinion). Monk and Ninja are about the same and require about the same amount of focus. Plus Dragoon increases bards dps by around 8% and every raid has a bard (maybe not in the expansion though).

What was the disease most feared by travelers on the Oregon Trail? ›

Cholera was the main scourge of the trail. It could attack a perfectly healthy person after breakfast and he would be in his grave by noon. However, many would linger in misery for weeks in the bouncy wagons.

Were there rattlesnakes on the Oregon Trail? ›

The main way of treating rattlesnake bites on the Oregon Trail was by removing as much venom as possible. People may have used a tourniquet to restrict blood flow to the limb. They then would make a shallow cut on the cite of the bite, such as an X.

Can you drive the Oregon Trail today? ›

The route travels across a variety of land ownerships and management, including private land. Because of the nature of the trail, it is not possible to travel directly on the full national historic trail route. Trail sites offer opportunities to experience the trail and travel or recreate on portions of it.

What is a Dragoon unit? ›

Dragoons may have been treated like second-class cavalry in the European armies, but not in the United States. As mentioned above, when the dragoons were organized 1833, they were the only mounted troops in the United States. They were considered an elite fighting force trained to fight both on horseback and on foot.

What were the roles on the Oregon Trail? ›

Men drove the wagons and livestock, stood guard duty, and hunted buffalo and antelope for extra meat. Women got up at four in the morning, collected wood and "buffalo chips" (animal dung used for fuel), hauled water, kindled campfires, kneaded dough, and milked cows.

What is the best occupation in the Oregon Trail game? ›

A banker, a teacher, a farmer, a carpenter — each choice could influence breaks within the game. A farmer rarely ever lost his oxen to injury or death, and this was a big plus. A carpenter might have strengths in building better ways to cross a river, and a teacher got bonus points right off the top.

What were the three real enemies of the Oregon Trail? ›

The real enemies of the pioneers were cholera, poor sanitation and, surprisingly, accidental gunshots. The first emigrants to go to Oregon in a covered wagon were Marcus and Narcissa Whitman who made the trip in 1836.


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