Where To Find Mew In Pokemon Fire Red: The Ultimate Guide - Countrymusicstop.com (2024)

Home » Where To Find Mew In Pokemon Fire Red: The Ultimate Guide

  • by Nhi Duong

Can you find Mew in Fire Red?

Unfortunately, Mew cannot be found in the original FireRed game by normal means. You can’t encounter it in the wild, and it’s not available as a reward for completing any specific event or task.

So, how do you get Mew in FireRed?

Trading: The only legitimate way to obtain Mew in FireRed is to trade it with someone who already has it. This typically involves finding someone who has obtained Mew through special events or from older games like Red and Blue, where it was originally obtainable.
Cheating: While not recommended, some players choose to use cheat codes or glitches to acquire Mew. However, this method is considered unethical and can potentially disrupt the gameplay experience. It also defeats the purpose of enjoying the game’s intended challenges and rewards.

A little history about Mew and how it became so rare…

Mew was a legendary Pokémon introduced in the original Pokémon Red and Blue games. It was available through a specific event that was only accessible for a limited time. Since then, it has been a rare and sought-after Pokémon in later games, often obtainable only through special events or distribution methods.

FireRed is a remake of the original Red and Blue games, and while it includes many features and Pokémon from those earlier games, it doesn’t include the event that originally allowed players to encounter Mew.

If you are looking to complete your Pokémon FireRed Pokédex, you’ll need to look for alternative ways to acquire Mew as a trade from a friend.

How to unlock Mewtwo in Fire Red?

Okay, so you want to get your hands on Mewtwo in Fire Red, huh? That’s awesome! It’s a powerful Pokémon, and it’s totally worth the effort. Here’s what you need to do to unlock Mewtwo in Fire Red:

First, you need to become the Pokémon champion. That means you have to defeat the Elite Four! Once you’ve done that, you’re ready to embark on the quest to catch Mewtwo.

But wait, there’s a little more to it! You’ll also need to obtain the National Pokédex from Professor Oak. He’ll give it to you after you’ve captured sixty Pokémon.

Now, you’re ready to head to One Island and capture Mewtwo!

Here’s a little more about what to expect on your journey to catch Mewtwo:

One Island: You’ll find Mewtwo in Cerulean Cave. It’s a tough battle, and you’ll want to bring your best Pokémon! Mewtwo is a Psychic-type, so bring along some powerful Ghost or Dark type Pokémon to give you an advantage.
The National Pokédex: The National Pokédex is important because it allows you to catch all 151 Pokémon in the game. This includes the legendary Pokémon like Mewtwo, which aren’t available in the regional Pokédex.
The Elite Four: The Elite Four are the best trainers in the Kanto region. Be prepared for a tough fight. They’ll challenge you with a variety of Pokémon types, so make sure you have a diverse team ready to take them on.

So, get out there, train hard, and get ready to face the Elite Four! After that, you’ll be well on your way to catching Mewtwo. Good luck, and remember, be prepared for a battle!

What is the hardest Pokémon to catch in Fire Red?

Suicune is a tricky one to catch in FireRed and LeafGreen. He’ll run away unless you use a Pokémon with the Shadow Tag ability or a Pokémon that knows the Mean Look move.

These abilities and moves are key for catching Suicune. Shadow Tag prevents a Pokémon from fleeing, and Mean Look has the same effect, making it impossible for Suicune to run. You’ll need to make sure your Pokémon has one of these before you try to catch him.

Here’s a deeper dive into why Suicune is considered tough to catch:

His high catch rate: Suicune has a low catch rate, meaning it’s inherently harder to capture him even with the right moves. The lower the catch rate, the more Poke Balls you’ll need to throw to secure him.
He’s always a high level: Suicune appears at a high level, making it more difficult to weaken him before attempting to catch him. This means you’ll need to carefully strategize your battles to bring him down to a manageable level without accidentally knocking him out.
He’s incredibly fast: Suicune is incredibly fast, making it hard to land attacks on him. If you’re not prepared with fast Pokémon of your own, you may have a hard time landing those crucial hits.

These factors all contribute to making Suicune a real challenge to catch. But with some patience and the right strategy, you’ll be able to add this legendary Pokémon to your team in no time!

Is there arceus in Fire Red?

You can get Arceus in all the Nintendo DS versions of Pokémon, but to get it in the 3DS games, you’ll need to transfer it over. Arceus is not available in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen.

You might be wondering why Arceus isn’t in FireRed. It’s because Arceus was introduced in the fourth generation of Pokémon games, which includes Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. FireRed is a remake of the first generation games Red and Blue, which were released before Arceus existed.

So, unfortunately, you can’t catch Arceus in FireRed. The good news is that you can always transfer Arceus from a later generation game like Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum to your FireRed game using a Nintendo DS and a Pokémon Bank subscription.

Can you get lugia in Fire Red?

You can’t catch Lugia in Pokémon Fire Red without using codes or special trades. Nintendo originally planned to make Lugia catchable with a special event ticket, but unfortunately, those tickets are no longer given out.

While you can’t catch Lugia in the game the way it was intended, there are still a couple of ways to add it to your collection. The first option is to use a code. You can find these codes online, and they’ll allow you to add Lugia to your game. Codes can be risky though. They can sometimes break your game, and they don’t give you the sense of accomplishment of catching a Pokémon the traditional way.

The second option is to trade with someone else. If you know someone who has Lugia in their game, they can trade it to you. Trading is a good way to collect Pokémon that are difficult to find, but it requires a little bit of social interaction. You have to know someone who has the Pokémon you want, and you have to be willing to trade something in return.

If you’re looking for a more traditional way to catch Lugia, you’ll have to play a different Pokémon game. Lugia is available in Pokémon Silver, Gold, and Crystal, and you can catch it in those games without needing any special tickets or codes.

How to get Mewtwo in red?

You can catch Mewtwo in all three Game BoyPokemon games, Red, Blue, and Yellow. To find him, you’ll need to complete the main game first. Once you’ve done that, head north from Cerulean City to Route 24 and use Surf to swim south. The entrance to the Unknown Dungeon will be waiting there.

Now, be warned, the Unknown Dungeon is tough! You’ll face some very strong Pokemon, so be sure to prepare your team well. You can even try to catch some of the Pokemon you’ve already defeated as they’ll be at a higher level in the dungeon.

Finally, you’ll encounter Mewtwo at the very end of the dungeon, in a battle that will test your skills. To make your encounter with Mewtwo easier, you can bring Pokemon who have high Attack and Special Attack stats or use Pokemon that know moves like Psychic, Ghost, and Bug moves.

There are a few extra details you should know about Mewtwo. He is extremely powerful, and the only Pokemon you can encounter in the dungeon is him. You will find him at level 70, so make sure you level up your team! He’s a legendary Pokemon, so he is well worth the effort to catch!

What is the rarest Pokémon to find in Pokemon Red?

Mew is a Psychic-type Pokémon, and it’s incredibly rare. You can’t find it in the wild during a standard playthrough of Pokémon Red, Blue, Green, or Yellow.

While it’s true that you can’t catch Mew through normal gameplay, there are a few ways to obtain it. The most well-known method involves using a glitch in the game. By carefully navigating through a specific area in the game, you can encounter Mew in a hidden location. However, this glitch requires precise timing and coordination, making it incredibly difficult to pull off.

Another way to obtain Mew is through events. In the past, Nintendo has held special events where players could receive Mew through special codes or distributions. These events were often tied to specific games or occasions, so it’s unlikely you’ll be able to find one now.

Finally, if you have a Game Boy Color or a Virtual Console version of Pokémon Red, you can use a cheat code to unlock Mew. However, using cheat codes often goes against the spirit of the game, and it’s not recommended for players who want to enjoy a true Pokémon experience.

Regardless of how you choose to obtain it, Mew remains a highly sought-after Pokémon, symbolizing rarity and elusive nature.

See more here: Where Do You Catch Mew In Pokémon Red? | Where To Find Mew In Pokemon Fire Red

How do you get Mew in Pokémon Fire Red?

You want to know how to get Mew in Pokémon Fire Red, right? It’s a little tricky! The only way to get Mew is through the Old Sea Map event. You won’t find Mew in the game naturally. This event was a special thing offered at official Nintendo events, and it gave players the chance to get the Old Sea Map. This Old Sea Map is the key to getting Mew! With the Old Sea Map, you can sail to Faraway Island. And that’s where you’ll find Mew!

How does the Old Sea Map event work?

Here’s the deal with the Old Sea Map: It was given out at Nintendo events for a limited time. It’s like a treasure map that unlocks a special place in your game! Here’s how you can see if you have the Old Sea Map:

1. Check your Bag: Open your Bag and look for an item called the Old Sea Map. It should look like a piece of parchment with a sea map drawn on it.

2. Talk to the Sailor: If you have the Old Sea Map, you can go to the sailor in Cinnabar Island. He’s hanging out near the dock. Talk to him, and he’ll agree to take you to Faraway Island!

3. Explore Faraway Island: Once you arrive on Faraway Island, explore the island. Don’t worry, there aren’t any tricky puzzles. You’ll eventually encounter Mew on the island.

Important things to know:

* The Old Sea Map event was limited, so if you didn’t get it at a Nintendo event, you won’t be able to get Mew in the game.

* Since you likely didn’t attend a Nintendo event, your best bet is to look for a trade. Many players who obtained Mew are willing to trade them! You could try joining online communities for Pokemon FireRed to find someone who is willing to trade you a Mew.

* Finding a Mew through trading is the only way to get Mew without the Old Sea Map. Good luck!

Does Mew work in Fire Red?

Unfortunately, Mew isn’t available in FireRed. Mew was a special event Pokemon only available in 2006. There’s a famous glitch that some people think might work, but it only applies to the original Pokemon games, not FireRed.

You might see some guides suggesting ways to find Mew in FireRed. These guides often involve a glitch that involves manipulating the game’s code to access a hidden area where Mew is supposed to be. But, these methods don’t work in FireRed, as they were specifically designed for the original games.

So, while the idea of catching Mew in FireRed might sound exciting, it’s simply not possible. If you’re looking for a rare Pokemon to add to your team, you’ll have to look elsewhere. There are other exciting and powerful Pokemon in FireRed that are still worth catching and training!

Can you get Mew in Pokémon Red?

You can actually get Mew in Pokémon Red, but it’s a little tricky! You need to use a glitch in the game to encounter and catch this mythical Pokémon.

Here’s the lowdown on how it works:

1. The Glitch: The glitch centers around a specific area in the game called the “Hidden Grotto.” This location is normally inaccessible, but with the right steps, you can trick the game into letting you enter.

2. Getting to the Grotto: You’ll need to use a combination of carefully timed actions and a specific Pokémon to get to the Hidden Grotto. The most common method involves using a Pokémon with the ability “Dig”, such as Dugtrio or Sandslash, to dig under the ground near a specific point. If done correctly, your Pokémon will appear in the Grotto, and you’ll be able to encounter Mew!

3. Catching Mew: Once you’re in the Grotto, Mew will be waiting for you. This is where the real challenge lies! Mew is incredibly rare and powerful, so you’ll need to use all your skills and strategy to capture it. Be sure to have plenty of Poké Balls and Master Balls on hand – and maybe a few Ultra Balls too.

It’s important to remember that this glitch requires specific timing and a bit of luck. Not everyone is successful in getting Mew through this method. But for those who manage to pull it off, it’s a truly rewarding experience! It’s a testament to the cleverness of the game’s design and the thrill of discovering these hidden secrets.

Can you get Mewtwo in Pokemon fire red?

You’re in luck! Mewtwo is definitely available in Pokémon FireRed. After you conquer the Elite Four and the Pokémon Champion, your journey takes you to the mysterious Cerulean Cave. This is where you’ll find Mewtwo, a powerful legendary Pokémon. Make sure to bring your best Pokémon and a good supply of Ultra Balls, you’ll need them for this challenging capture!

Now, you’re probably wondering if you can find Mew too. The answer is no, Mew is not available in Pokémon FireRed. Mew was originally a special event Pokémon in the original Pokémon Red and Blue, and it was never made available in FireRed or other subsequent remakes.

While you can’t find Mew in FireRed, finding Mewtwo is a pretty big deal! Mewtwo is one of the most powerful Pokémon in the game, with incredible stats and powerful moves. Be prepared for a tough fight – Mewtwo will be a strong opponent! Once you’ve captured Mewtwo, you’ll have a formidable Pokémon to help you conquer the rest of the game. It’s worth the effort to find this legendary Pokémon. Good luck!

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Where To Find Mew In Pokemon Fire Red: The Ultimate Guide

Okay, so you’re on a mission to find Mew in Pokémon FireRed, huh? You’ve come to the right place! Let me break down how to snag this elusive Pokémon.

You see, Mew is a bit of a hidden gem in FireRed. It’s not like catching a Pidgey or a Rattata. Finding Mew involves a bit of a quest, so get ready!

The Trick: The MissingNo. Glitch

The key to finding Mew in FireRed is using the MissingNo. glitch. MissingNo. is a super weird glitch Pokémon that appears when the game gets confused about what data it’s supposed to display. And, trust me, you’ll know it when you see it!

The trick here is to use this glitch to unlock a spot where Mew is hiding!

How to Trigger the Glitch

Alright, let’s get down to business. You’ll need to get your hands on a Pokémon Stadium save file. This is a game that connects with Pokémon Red, Blue, or Yellow (and FireRed and LeafGreen, too!).

You’ll need to complete Pokémon Stadium and save the game with Mew in your party. This is important! Mew has to be in your Pokémon Stadium party!

Now, head back to FireRed and do the following:

1. Go to the Old Man: Talk to the Old Man at the entrance to Viridian Forest.
2. Talk to the Old Man Again: Head back to the entrance of the Viridian Forest and talk to the Old Man again.
3. Save your Game: Head to Cinnabar Island and save your game.
4. The Glitch! Here’s where things get crazy. Without turning off your game, use your Game Boy’s “Link Cable” to connect to your Pokémon Stadium game.
5. Select “Transfer” and “Yes” on the transfer screen.
6. The MissingNo. Glitch: This is where the magic happens. The screen will go crazy and MissingNo. will appear.
7. Choose a “No” Option: When the game asks you to select an option, choose “No”.
8. Save Your Game! The final step is to save your game again.

Finding Mew

You’ve done it! Mew is now hiding in Cerulean Cave. This is a post-game location, so make sure you’ve beaten the game before you go hunting for it.

Once you’re in Cerulean Cave, you’ll find Mew in the very last room. Just be warned – Mew is really tough to catch, so you’ll need to use your best Poké Balls and your best tactics.


Why does the MissingNo. glitch work?

The MissingNo. glitch is a result of how the game stores and retrieves data. The glitch messes up this process, and because of this, the game tries to load a Pokémon that doesn’t exist. This leads to MissingNo appearing and also makes it possible to capture Mew.

Is this cheating?

Well, it’s not exactly following the intended game rules, but it’s definitely not hacking. It’s a clever way to get a Pokémon that’s not normally obtainable in the game.

Will this glitch break my game?

It’s possible, yes. The MissingNo. glitch can mess up your game files if it’s not done carefully. So, always save before attempting this glitch!

What else can I get with the MissingNo. glitch?

Besides Mew, you can also get some other weird Pokémon, like MissingNo. itself. You can also get some powerful items! But remember, it’s a risk!

Is there another way to find Mew?

Unfortunately, no! There’s no other way to find Mew in Pokémon FireRed (or LeafGreen for that matter) without using the MissingNo. glitch.

Finding Mew in Pokémon FireRed is a real challenge, but trust me, it’s worth it! This elusive Pokémon is one of the most powerful in the game, and it’s a true collector’s item.

How to Get Mew in Pokémon Fire Red: A Step-by-Step Guide

Yes, in Pokémon Fire Red, Mew can be obtained through a special in-game event called the Old Sea Map event. This event was distributed at official Nintendo events and monstertips.net

How to Catch Mew in Pokemon Fire Red | It Still Works

In Pokemon Red, the only way to obtain Mew was by attending an official Nintendo event, where it would be transferred using a link cable. In Fire Red, there is a It Still Works

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How To Catch Mew – Pokemon FireRed – Super Cheats

If using a Codebreaker Device (or are playing on an emulator that supports their given codes), you will need to enter the code “000014D1 000A” on the first line, “1003DAE6 0007” on the second line, and Super Cheats

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Since Mew isn’t obtainable in FireRed/LeafGreen, only obtained by trading from Emerald. Worry no more, in this tutorial you will obtain Mew in easy way without resorting to cheatcod …more. YouTube

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Step 1: Obtain the National Pokedex. In order to unlock the ability to catch Mew, you must first obtain the National Pokedex. Complete the main storyline and neuralword.com

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This video shows where to find Mewtwo in Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen. Techno’s Goal My goal is to be the NUMBER ONE video guide source for all YouTube

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Best answer. After you beat the Elite Four and get to island 4 of the sevii islands, you can go to Cerulean Cave in Cerulean City and Mewtwo is in there. You Pokémon Database

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Tutorial: An Easy Way To Get Mew In Pokemon Firered/Leafgreen (No Cheatcodes Needed)

Link to this article: where to find mew in pokemon fire red.

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Where To Find Mew In Pokemon Fire Red: The Ultimate Guide - Countrymusicstop.com (2024)


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